Career development using VET

Vocational education and training (VET) is more than just a worthwhile alternative to academic study. From this autumn, there will be proof of this in the new Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHK) training centre in Dillingen, Germany.

So, you believe a higher education qualification is the only way to a successful career? Well you would be wrong. Great career prospects as a non-academic, whether you are a specialist or a master craftsperson, are possible How does this work? The experts at the Swabia IHK Academy can answer to this.

The training centre currently under construction in Dillingen, and based in the "Haus der Wirtschaft" regional business centre, will be one of the most modern in existence. Here, in keeping with its motto "Train - Work Together - Advise", the Swabia IHK will be supporting Swabian companies in securing their supply of skilled workers, and will also be making a significant contribution to providing young people in the region with attractive continuing education and training options.

Swabia IHK Academy: Great opportunities and prospects

There are great prospects here for anybody investing in their own career advancement. This is because, regardless of age, gender, formal training qualifications and origin, the efforts you make really pay off. Continuing vocational education and training allows you to develop into an attractive and sought-after skilled worker and manager with a high likelihood of increased income and much better employment opportunities.

To support this, the Swabia IHK Academy in Dillingen is making 1300 square metres of training space available and is catering for both the business as well as the industrial and technical sectors. So, if you want to make it to the top of the career ladder, you are in exactly the right place. As of this autumn, 13 practice-based courses of study will be offered to prepare candidates for the public continuing education and training qualifications.

Dillingen Training Centre: practice supporting practise

The practical focus of the courses is guaranteed. For example, lecturers who work as senior employees in companies or who, as freelance consultants, regularly implement projects in companies, are predominantly employed. This means that they have a real link to the profession themselves and know what matters.

The Swabia IHK also understands this at a general level. The chamber stands for high quality vocational education and training. Tens of thousands have already completed this course with support from the Swabia IHK Academy - will you be next?! Anybody wishing to advance in their career over the long term should look to the characteristic IHK formula of "practice supporting practise".

And in the best-case scenario, all course and examination fees are funded by the upgrading training grant and the master craftsman bonus. There is also the individual's training workload itself. This is face-to-face and online, and is actively supported by the IHK Academy with lecturers from practice, and with a focus on participants.

Source: (website of the newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine), revised by iMOVE, September 2020