The "super Trainees" from the 2016/2017 winter examination and the 2017 summer examination received their well-earned recognition at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce's celebration of best trainees.
Beaming faces in the Trier theatre: 202 young men and women who completed their vocational training in the dual system with the grade "very good", or were the best in their occupation, have been honoured by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for their excellent performance.
"The excellent qualification enables you to get off to a really good start. The economy will welcome you with open arms," said Peter Adrian, President of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce at the 'celebrating the best' event in the Trier Theatre.
Jan Glockauer, Managing Director of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce also praised the training companies and vocational schools: "People who train the best are also among the best themselves." Those offering their congratulations also included Julia Klöckner, Chair of the CDU parliamentary group in the Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament. She emphasized that vocational education and training was just as valuable as a degree: "We need people who know how it works because they make it! Not just people who know how it might work."
Celebrating the best of 2017 - let's hear it for the region's best trainees
Source: (news in German online news portal Lokalo), revised by iMOVE, March 2018