Dual training goes digital!
Enticing new training year with modern occupations
Eleven updated dual training occupations for the knowledge-based economy and society were launched when the new training year officially started on 1 August. Friedrich Hubert Esser, President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) explained: "The way in which we teach, learn and work has changed significantly in recent years, and the digitalisation of our entire living and working environments has received huge impetus as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The occupations which came into effect on 1 August 2020 provide training courses for the future world of work and are providing young people and young adults with the best possible preparation for the technological, service-focussed and digital challenges ahead. Past months have shown how important this is. Without IT technology and knowledge of digital communication, the rapid and successful relocation of many jobs to the home office environment would not have been possible. The modern occupations therefore also include basic knowledge of information and communication technology as well as overarching qualifications covering, for example, communication and team skills, and competency in the areas of project management, data protection and data security. These are all important key competencies for the future which are promoted in vocational education and training (VET) and which are increasingly gaining importance in all dual training courses."
Eleven modernised training regulations will enter into force at the start of the new training year on 1 August 2020 for the following occupations:
- Bank clerk
- Biological laboratory technician
- Chemical laboratory technician
- Information technology specialist
- Housekeeper
- IT systems electronics technician
- Digitalisation manager
- Management assistant in wholesale and foreign trade
- IT system management specialist
- Paint and varnish laboratory technician
- Media designer for images and sound
This means that young people, after completing their time in general education, can currently choose from a total of 325 recognised dual training occupations.
Since 2010, the BIBB has worked with the federal ministries responsible, social partners and experts from the field of company practice to revise a total of 133 training regulations according to the latest economic, technological and societal requirements. This also illustrates the adaptability of dual vocational education and training in Germany and emphasises the system’s ability to embrace change. Further revision projects are already under way. These include occupations from the electrical skilled trades, building construction, civil engineering and interior construction, and the hotel and restaurant industry.
The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training of course also provides training itself. On 1 August, BIBB launched the new 2020 recruitment year with five new trainees who had opted for the training occupations of office manager, specialist in market and social research, event manager, and specialist in media and information services. BIBB has been providing training for a total of 26 young people since the start of the training year.
Source: bibb.de (press release of the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training), revised by iMOVE, March 2021