New national advanced training for the energy sector.
The transition to increased use of new sources of energy in the interests of creating a secure, environmentally sustainable and economically successful future is bringing about fundamental change within the energy sector. Skilled workers in the industry face a whole range of tasks relating to renewable energies, the electricity market, energy efficiency, network management and ongoing digitalisation, and all of these processes need to be dealt with in a competent and customer-oriented manner.
For this reason and acting on behalf of the Federal Government, the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) has joined forces with an existing advisory council made up of experts within the branch to draw up a new advanced training regulation leading to the qualification of "certified senior clerk in the energy sector". This regulation will form a uniform national standard.
This new advanced training qualification is open to persons who have completed vocational education and training in a commercial or technical occupation and/or have relevant practical professional experience. Its objectives are to facilitate career advancement and to create the possibility of employing certified senior clerks as middle managers in the energy sector.
The aim is that certified senior clerks in the energy sector will be able to act autonomously and on their own responsibility in performing tasks within the energy industry. They will take the economic, ecological and ethical dimensions of sustainable business practice into account and will also act as managers for other staff within this context. Those completing the advanced training qualification will also be exempted from the written part of the Trainer Aptitude Examination. In overall terms, the new regulations will make human resources development and recruitment easier for companies.
Some of the specific contents of the advanced training and of the examination are as follows:
- Analyse market mechanisms and prepare proposals for company positioning
- Carry out energy procurement and energy Distribution
- Support network Management
- Secure internal and external communication, management and cooperation
The qualification of "certified senior clerk in the energy sector" replaces the various existing chamber of industry and commerce advanced training regulations within this area, in particular "certified senior energy clerk". In 2015, around 140 persons completed the examination in this qualification.
Because the new regulations lead to a certified senior clerk qualification, they are aligned to level 6 both in the German and in the European Qualifications Framework (DQR/EQF). This is the same level as master craftsmen qualifications and academic bachelor's degrees. Such an alignment provides transparency of the value of educational qualifications right across Europe with the aims of supporting the European labour market and of fostering the mobility of employees.
The DQR/EQF level will be shown on examination certificates in future. In order to enhance transparency still further, EUROPASS Certificate Supplements in English and French will be made available for the advanced VET of certified senior clerk in the energy sector.