From Madagascar to Koblenz

Honorary delegation visits Chamber of Crafts and Trades

Denis Andriamandroso, "Advisor and Special Envoy to the President of Madagascar" and the Honorary Consul of Madagascar, Dr. Alfred Huber, were guests of the Koblenz Chamber of Crafts and Trades (HwK Koblenz) for the purpose of sharing knowledge and experience. In the HwK workshops, the guests were satisfied with the high level of dual training in discussions with apprentices.

The Republic of Madagascar plans to provide training for young adults between the ages of 22 and 25 in the dual system in Germany. The intention is that from September 2019, 20 young people will complete a voluntary ecological year (Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr (FÖJ)). This will provide them with an insight into various skilled craft trade occupations and will test their own skills.

Training could then begin in autumn 2020. Besides ecological professions, the focus is also on skilled craft trade occupations needed to run modern organic farms in Madagascar. For example, the occupations of "plant mechanic for plumbing, heating and air conditioning" as well as "agricultural and construction machinery mechatronics engineer" are being considered.

"Madagascar's vision is to train, year by year, new skilled workers in Germany who will then act as multipliers in their home country," explains Andriamandroso. Despite immense resources, the soil and land in Madagascan agriculture is still being over exploited which, in conditions of increasing scarcity of supply for the population, leads to an ever greater destruction of valuable natural environments.

During the discussion, Bernd Hammes, vocational education and training manager for HwK Koblenz, gave his approval to the undertaking and guaranteed support on the part of the Chamber.

Source: (web portal of the chamber of crafts in Koblenz), revised by iMOVE, January 2019