The Annual Awards for the nation's best Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) trainees were held today for the 11th time in Berlin. Eric Schweitzer, President of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), and Federal Family Minister Manuela Schwesig presented the certificates and cups to the prize winners.
Eric Schweitzer expressed his appreciation and respect for the outstanding trainees of 2016. They had achieved the highest points total in the final qualifications for the Chambers of Industry and Commerce. They are therefore the best trainees in Germany in their occupations — and in fact from among more than 300,000 candidates who sat the examination.
The DIHK president emphasised, "We need even more high achievers like you, the best in the country. However we must also make full use of the potential of those who face difficulties when making the transition into working life."
He explained that companies were already doing a lot in this area. "Around 40 per cent of training companies provide extra training, and many offer entry qualifications as a bridge into training. Despite this, thousands of training positions remain unfilled."
Manuela Schwesig, Federal Minister for Families, the Elderly, Women and Young People, praised those present, "219 from 300,000 — that is an enormous accomplishment of which you can be proud." The minister referred to dual education and training in Germany as a "success model", adding it was "very popular among young people — because practical training "made in Germany", which is the envy of many countries, opens up all occupational pathways to graduates."
Manuela Schwesig added: "In my ministry we have found that young training graduates are particularly motivated and know what they want. That is a good basis for continued professional development, whether the career then leads on into self-employment or perhaps further study. Please accept my sincere congratulations and I wish all outstanding trainees of 2016 every success in the future."
Overall this year 219 trainees were the best in the country — of which 80 were women and 139 were men — across 211 training occupations. The best industrial management assistant in the country even managed to achieve the unbeatable points total of 100.00. This year the federal state with the most top achievers (53) was North Rhine-Westphalia, followed by Bavaria with 44 and Baden-Württemberg with 34 high-achieving candidates.
As in the previous year, around 1000 guests attended the awards ceremony in the Maritim Hotel.
Nation's best trainees are recognised
Source: (website of the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry), revised by iMOVE, April 2017