There is a desperate need for a master craftsmen and women in many skilled crafts occupations. However the route to a master craftsman certificate can be long and arduous - journeymen do, after all, often have to complete their training alongside their career. Good planning and information on the options for financial support are therefore important.
On the first floor, with a view of the expansive and brightly lit "Elbcampus" entrance hall, the journeymen and women are waiting for everything to start. The "Elbcampus" is situated to the south of the river Elbe. It is the name of the centre of excellence of the Hamburg Chamber of Crafts and Trades and is a new learning location for prospective master craftsmen and women. Some of those attending have already decided on master craftsman training; others just want to find out about what this training actually entails.
"I'm thinking about doing the master craftsman certificate and just want to find out about how everything works, how it is organised and whether this is an alternative to the full-time master craftsman."
"I have already registered. And I'm here so that I know what I can get for myself, what I am letting myself in for etcetera, so that I'm not standing there empty handed when everything really gets going."