Results of the migration study by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and the Federal Employment Agency (BA)
Support pays off. Applicants from a refugee background are more likely to make the transition into company-based training if they receive support and assistance from mentors in the course of their search for a training position. Placements, introductory training and trial work have also proven effective as a means of accessing training. These are the findings of a written survey conducted at the end of 2016 by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and the Federal Employment Agency (BA).
The study surveyed approximately 1,100 training position applicants from a refugee background who were also citizens of a non-European country of asylum (Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria).
By contrast, according to the study, socio-demographic factors play a less significant role. Neither gender, duration of stay nor the age of respondents are relevant in terms of access to company-based training. The proportion of the number of training positions offered in dual occupations compared to the number of people interested in training in the respective employment agency district also has no influence on the chances of young refugees accessing education and training.
However, the study also shows that young people from a refugee background would like further support in understanding the German educational system, when finding a training placement, and in everyday practical issues such as assistance when dealing with the authorities. This applies both to refugees who have already made the transition into training as well as those individuals who have not (yet) begun company-based training.
At the time of the survey, 31 percent of applicants questioned had commenced dual vocational education and training. A further three percent were currently involved in school-based training leading to a full qualification or were completing a course of study.