At the "Motivation Day" in the Haidl Atrium, over 500 pupils from all different school types found out about the opportunities for dual training in the region.
The Bavarian Minister of State for Economic Affairs, Energy and Technology, Franz Josef Pschierer, had come to Röhrnbach to talk with pupils about their future prospects and to make them aware of the benefits of dual training. He said: "The dual training route plays a major role in supplying our companies with qualified skilled workers. The combination of school-based training and practical experience in the companies is unique in the world and a model for many countries. We are therefore explicitly promoting this pathway as an equivalent alternative to university-level education and training."
Vocational education and training in the dual system provides young people with excellent career opportunities and is an alternative to university-level education. However, pupils are often less aware of these training opportunities.
The Motivation Day was an initiative of the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs in collaboration with the Freyung-Grafenau SCHOOL-BUSINESS network and local institutions, and was organised by the Bavarian SCHOOL-BUSINESS office in the Education and Training Organisation of the Bavarian Economy. It was part of the campaign "Berufliche Bildung – Deine Chance [Vocational education and training – your opportunity]".
Based on practical exercises at "skill islands", the skilled workers of the future were able to explore their individual strengths. Regional company representatives supervised the various work stations. Each young person received a skills profile, which can be compared against occupational requirements and help them when making the right career choice.
One particular highlight was Thomas Lurz—twelve-time world champion in open water swimming and Olympic gold medallist—with his presentation "Chancen erkennen – Grenzen sprengen [Recognising opportunities – breaking down barriers]". Using clear examples, he provided the young people with ideas and suggestions for their own lives.