Although large numbers of young people in Bavaria began their vocational education and training a few days ago, two members of the Federal State Parliament have pointed out that the number of vacant training places is expected to be well over 15,000. Now Alfred Sauter and Dr. Hans Reichhart are both seeking to take effective counteraction.
"Small and medium-sized companies in Bavaria are finding it increasingly difficult to find suitable trainees," say Alfred Sauter and Dr. Hans Reichhart. "This is why we are seeking to send out a clear signal that vocational education and training (VET) is a high status Option which is on a par with the academic educational route. Bavaria is an advocate for equal educational qualifications and will not depart from this stance. Having the best qualifications at all occupational levels is the only way to ensure that the Bavaria success story continues into the future."
Mister Sauter added, "The scope of the problem becomes clear when we see that there are around 19,000 young people without a training contract but still about 35,000 training vacancies." Both he and his parliamentary colleague Dr. Reichhart believe that parents play an important role in choosing appropriate training. "The CSU [Christian Social Union] Parliamentary Party discussed how parents can be involved in the training of their children in a more targeted way two years ago, when we staged a specialist conference entitled 'How can we find the skilled workers of tomorrow?'" added Mister Sauter. "For this reason, we are delighted at the good response enjoyed by our 'Parental Pride' project, the vehicle which we are using to pursue this very approach." A recent survey has shown that 64 percent of respondents expressed a preference for vocational training once 'Parental Pride' had raised their awareness of this possibility.
Of course, young people should decide for themselves which occupational route they wish to go down. "Unfortunately, people often fail to recognise that vocational education and training frequently offers better prospects than completion of a higher education course of study," says Dr. Reichhart. Mister Sauter and Dr. Reichhart have been championing VET for a long time. Both men thus also welcome the "Pact for Vocational Education and Training".
"We must hang on to every bit of talent," Alfred Sauter continued. "This agreement brings dual training and continuing education up to speed with regard to digitalisation. This is a mega trend and also an area in which the pact places a crucial emphasis."
Considerable financial backing has been put in place in order to lay the foundations for the "Pact for Vocational Education and Training". Measures include an increase in the special bonus paid to persons successfully completing the master craftsman examination in Bavaria and a revamp of the education and training institutions operated by trade and industry. In the coming year, 27 million euro will be invested in these two initiatives alone.
Teaching at vocational schools continues to be expanded. The Educational Monitor, a national survey which compares the educational systems of the various German federal states, reveals that one of the fields in which Bavaria occupies top position is vocational education and training.
"This makes it even more pleasing that more than 91 percent of trainees successfully completed their apprenticeship in 2015," concludes Alfred Sauter. "The Bavarian economy thus has access to skilled workers who have undergone the very best training."
Shortage of young skilled workers
Source: (website for the business community in Swabia/Germany), revised by iMOVE, October 2017