Parents of apprentices were able to get a picture of their offspring's working life.
Sixty parents of apprentices were given an insight into the Endress+Hauser training programme. They accepted the invitation to Maulburg, curious to find out just what their children were learning during their training and how they were learning it.
According to a press release, the parents took the opportunity to speak to trainers about what their children's training actually entailed.
Stays abroad, for example, give the apprentices the chance to spend some of their training period in another country, be it in Japan, Dubai or Manchester. The Maulburg site employs people from over 40 different nations.
As part of a pilot project run by the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK), Endress+Hauser introduced dual training at sites in the USA and India for the year 2018/19 too. The press release went on to say that it is important to the company that its skilled workers receive high-quality training.
However, the trend amongst the young is shifting towards degrees. Only 20 per cent of a lower secondary school year will go straight into training. Many young people believe that training will give them fewer opportunities to progress in a career further down the line; but that is a misconception. There is nothing to stop anyone who shows the necessary aptitude attending and graduating from a technical school, master craftsman's school or university later on.
After their tour, the parents returned home safe in the knowledge that their offspring will be well equipped for the future thanks to the best possible training.