The continuing training sector faces up to the digital shift

The "Wuppertaler Kreis", a consortium of major continuing training institutions from trade and industry, regularly publishes a trend study on company-based continuing training at the mid-year point.

The good economic situation, a shortage of skilled workers in many sectors, and the challenges associated with the digital transformation all mean that continuing training is in high demand on the part of companies. Most private sector training service providers expect their revenues to grow.

In company-based continuing training, seminars are being supplemented and sometimes replaced by digital and media-based provision. The majority of providers assumes that digitalising their spectrum of services is essential for economic success. One example of this is the way in which workplace-based learning is being supported via explanatory videos and assistance systems which are accessed via mobile terminal devices and apps. The provision of training platforms and the development of learning media also play a key role.

One main focus of the trend survey was placed on the marketing and sales of continuing training services. This is another area in which the future is digital. Continuing training databases offered by the training providers and featuring an integrated log-in function are increasingly being incorporated into company learning platforms. Conventional sales routes using key account managers and printed information materials are being backed up by advertising on search engines as well as through social media.

Source: (German website on the education sector), revised by iMOVE, September 2019