Young refugees have arrived in the transition phase

BIBB presents Data Report 2017 on vocational education and training.

There was a rise in the number of the beginners in the transition phase between school and training in 2016 compared to the previous year. The anticipated increase is mainly due to programmes supporting German language learning for young refugees and immigrants.

The pre-vocational training year (+45.4 per cent) in particular has become more important. This is according to the 2017 Data Report of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) which supplements the Vocational Training Report 2017 that was also adopted today by the German Federal cabinet. According to the results of the first release of the integrated VET reporting, in 2016 a total of 298,800 individuals were in the transition phase (+32,600 or +12.2 per cent) which was a marked increase on the previous year's figure of 266,200. The portion of young men in the transition phase was 65.3 per cent, which is also exceptionally high.

In addition to the statistical analysis on the transition phase, the new BIBB Data Report again provides a range of facts and figures on all areas of initial and continuing vocational education and training. For example, in 2016 the number of newly concluded training contracts fell slightly again to 520,300 (a fall of 1,800 or 0.4 per cent) due to the difficulties with filling training places which have continued to worsen. The training company rate also fell again (2015: 20.0 per cent, 2014: 20.3 per cent).

By contrast, there has been a marked increase in the proportion of those people starting training in dual vocational education and training who have qualifications for higher education. The value is currently at a new record level of 27.7 per cent. For the first time, this rate is above the proportion of young people with lower secondary school leaving certificate — the share of which has fallen to 26.7 per cent.

In terms of demand and supply trends, the data report forecasts a slight fall in the supply of training along with a rise in the demand potential for the forthcoming 2017 training year. Nevertheless, according to the forecast, the number of newly concluded training contracts might rise slightly again this year as a result of improved prospects for companies when filling vacancies.

BIBB Data Report 2017

The BIBB Data Report (in German only) for the 2017 Report on Vocational Education and Training can be downloaded free of charge from the BIBB Website.

Source: (press release by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training, BIBB), revised by iMOVE, September 2017