German short-term experts train teachers in Iran

Since October 2017, the SBH - Education & Craft Foundation (Stiftung Bildung & Handwerk) has had a Vocational Training Partnership in place with Iran. This will continue to run until the end of September 2020. In the context of this partnership, German experts trained 153 Iranians in the areas of electronics and metalworking.

Several persons at one switchboard

Training of Iranian trainers and teachers in the field of "e-check" in Hamedan, Iran

The objective of the Vocational Training Partnership (BBP) is to work with Iranians on developing a pathway towards a practical professional qualification in their home country.

Long-term experts in Iran

Achieving employability by means of a professional qualification is difficult in the Iranian education system. This is because the system is predominantly characterised by short-term modules which have so far been focused on theory, leading to an insufficient acquisition of practical competencies. To change this, elements of German dual vocational education and training are being implemented in Iranian companies and education and training centres in order to supplement the existing system.

Alireza Moghayedi, a long-term expert at the Foundation for Education & Crafts, and his team are working on this systemic task. In a series of workshops and meetings with Iranian ministries, organisations and companies across the country, they identified the benefits of the dual vocational education and training system which can be put to good use in Iran.

The team has been supported in this by colleagues at the Iranian Technical Vocational and Training Organization (TVTO) and the Iranian Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA), the members of this partnership.

detuscher Mann erklärt Iranern etwas an einem Schweißgerät

SBH expert Alexander Schlichter at the training of Iranian instructors in the field of welding in Arak, Iran

Short-term experts in Iran

In spring 2019, trainers Guido Wischer and Alexander Schlichter visited Iran to assess the current situation of companies and training centres, and to determine the specific training requirements for trainers and teachers.

Wischer and Schlichter were in July 2019 again in Iraq with another short-term expert Eduard Jaufmann to provide further training to trainers and teachers. Across five towns and cities, a total of 65 employees from 28 Iranian companies and from the TVTO attended one-week courses in the areas of electronics and metalworking.

The short-term experts were able to use the TVTO training centres and workshops in Hamedan, Mashhad, Tabriz, Arak and Urmia. The training in welding, CNC milling and the E-Check ended with a practical examination which all examinees passed.

"I think it would be useful to bring the trainers to Germany and train them here," suggests Alexander Schlichter. He sees further significant training requirements since the equipment in the training centres and training workshops in Iran is frequently inadequate and the trainers and teachers are not sufficiently familiar with the machines. In Schlichter's view, this is easier to address in Germany.

Trainer explains a machine

Training on "E-Check" in Hamedan, Iran

Context of the Vocational Training Partnership

The Vocational Education and Training Partnership programme is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and supported by sequa gGmbH.

The term of the project is from 1 October 2017 to 30 September 2020.

The aims of the project are:

  • to structure more training and continuing education in the dual form,
  • to convince companies to engage more effectively in training and continuing education,
  • and to establish vocational training and continuing education according to the principles of practice-oriented dual vocational education and training.



Jürgen Klingbeil
Head SBH International

+49 251 700-274

Email to  Jürgen Klingbeil

Alireza Moghayedi
Project manager BBP Iran

+98 21 8573-2416

Email to Alireza Moghayedi

SBH - Education & Craft Foundation

SBH - Education & Craft Foundation is member of the iMOVE provider pool

SBH - Education & Craft Foundation

group picture

Participants of a CNC training in Tabriz, Iran, with their instructors from the SBH