Turkey: Action-based learning inspires participants
SIMDUSTRY • Turkish co-operation partner as multiplier and builder of bridges
Since its establishment in 2003, SIMDUSTRY supports enterprises in over 20 countries in developing their employees to become "entrepreneurs within the enterprise". The company uses board simulations to model organisation-related processes in a manner that is tailored to the target group and to link these with learning content that can be tangibly experienced. SIMDUSTRY develops these simulations either on a bespoke basis or on the basis of an already existing, flexibly applicable simulation. In a playful manner, the board simulations promote the participants' understanding of complex topics in fields such as finance management, implementation of company strategies at various hierarchy levels, talent management and leadership of employees as well as regarding the introduction of new employees to company-specific processes.
All programmes are tailored to the strategies and business environment of the respective customers. The programmes are developed in close co-operation with the customers and aim at the direct transfer of knowledge and experience to the current working life reality of the employees within the respective enterprise. SIMDUSTRY commissions the development and production of learning material for its customers that is individual and adapted with regards to language. Globally successful enterprises, such as Pepsi, Roche Pharma, Volkswagen, Johnson Controls and Altana rely on the simulation expertise of SIMDUSTRY.
SIMDUSTRY works together with a network of international trainers, coaches and business experts, who have specialised in various subject areas. The selection of these network partners takes place in a project-related manner in due consideration of the individual requirements of the customer and the optimal qualification of the corresponding network partners regarding the respective training and programme. The partners have a comprehensive background in business and are well familiar with the realities within enterprises on the basis of their own experience.
SIMDUSTRY's participation as an exhibitor at the ASTD trade fair in the USA, the worldwide largest trade fair for vocational training and continuing education, constituted an important milestone on the company's path to accessing international markets. The contacts that were established with training institutes from other countries, including Russia, Saudi Arabia and Israel, proved to be particularly diverse and sustained. This is also how SIMDUSTRY got into contact with the Turkish training enterprise U2 Danismanlik in Istanbul.
Its customers from the automotive industry include Dogus Otomotiv, a member of the Dogus Group and the worldwide only distribution partner of Volkswagen who sells all brands on a regional level. As is the case with many enterprises, the decisive factor for measuring success at Dogus is not only in terms of revenue, but also in terms of customer satisfaction. For the 2013 annual meeting of all distribution partners of this import company, SIMDUSTRY and U2 Danismanlik have jointly developed a one-and-a-half-day Turkish language simulation that illustrated for the managers and owners of car dealerships in an entertaining and at the same time impressive manner what are the decisive factors for obtaining good customer ratings. The simulation was attended by two groups in parallel, each comprising more than one hundred employees and networking partners of Dogus.
This action-based learning method, which illustrates the success-relevant circumstances by way of direct experience, as well as the networking opportunity and exchange of experience within the working groups in addition to the intensive competition between the teams all combined greatly inspired the participants and generated for them new insights into their own professional course of action. As a next step, the plan is to establish simulations to become a standard component of talent management and to win over also other potential customers from the automotive industry.
SIMDUSTRY's international co-operation partners, such as U2 Danismanlik, act as multipliers and builders of bridges into the local cultures and networks. They are able of adapting the service provision of their German partners to meet the demands on site, to advertise and translate these services and to convey these also in courses to participants and other trainers. For this purpose, SIMDUSTRY has negotiated individual licence fee agreements.
This sucess story was first published in the iMOVE publication Developing Skills for Employability with German Partners • 8 Success Stories from Turkey. The brochure was published in 2014.