The German-Thai Dual Excellence Education initiative (GTDEE) implements the dual training programme in Thailand. Following experiences gained from the programme implementation, one focus for GTDEE is currently quality development in the partner vocational schools of the training companies.
In Thailand, German dual vocational education and training also enjoys an outstanding reputation as a means of developing a high-quality and skilled labour force. Demand in Thailand for support with the expansion of the dual approach is therefore high.
As a consequence, the German-Thai Chamber of Commerce established the German-Thai Dual Excellence Education (GTDEE) initiative in 2013 together with other selected partners from the public and private sector. In this training programme, the trainees work in a company and learn the theory in the vocational schools – which are known in Thailand as 'vocational colleges', and are from here onwards referred to as such.
GTDEE initially focused on supporting the private sector. However, over the course of the implementation, it became apparent that development was needed in the public sector in particular. In this case, learning as part of dual training following the German model was not on the curriculum for the vocational colleges cooperating with the programme.