News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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"Integrate underachievers, win over overachievers!"

The numbers recently presented by the German Federal Statistical Office regarding the current state of the vocational education and training market reflect the industry's problems in finding suitable young talent, a problem long since lamented by the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK).

Second-chance vocational qualification for two million young adults without vocational certificates

In Germany over 2 million young adults still do not have any vocational certificates. In view of the impact of demographic change on the training place and labour markets and the expected shortage of skilled workers this is unacceptable, not least from the point of view of justice, and should be reason enough to focus more attention on the possibilities of social and vocational integration of these young people.

New training occupations complement the occupational group of metal working

The occupational group of metal working will be restructured with effect from 1 August, when two new training occupations are added in the form of "skilled metal worker" and "press tool operator and metal working mechanic". The modernised training occupation of "production mechanic" also comes into force.

Value of education rises in crisis but investment in this area is falling, says OECD

The jobs gap between well-educated young people and those who left school early has continued to widen during the crisis. A good education is the best insurance against a lack of work experience, according to the latest edition of the annual Education at a Glance of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD.

Dual system of vocational training an export success

The dual system of vocational training is becoming a sought-after product all around the world: Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle and Education Minister Johanna Wanka hosted a conference to highlight experiences from around the globe with Germany's dual system of vocational training.

Participation reaches record level in East and West

The German industry relies on well-qualified employees. According to a new study, between June 2011 and April 2012 alone, 49 per cent of the working age population have made use of offers of continuing education. This is the highest level of participation in continuing education since 1979.

Combatting youth unemployment with practice-oriented vocational training

"We cannot and we must not accept the fact that young people feel they do not stand a chance in Europe", emphasised Martin Wansleben, Chief Executive of the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), in a speech at the European Parliament.

Increasing demand - German Bundestag to focus on internationalising vocational education and training

The German Bundestag has decided on a national benchmark for internationalising the vocational education and training system. In 2020, a minimum of 10 per cent of apprentices are to gain work experience abroad during their apprenticeship term.

Provide training and ensure skilled labour supply

The partners associated within the "National Pact for Career Training and Skilled Manpower Development in Germany" have raised awareness for the "Apprenticeship Placement Day" and the numerous offers of information for employers as well as for young people.