News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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European guideline for adult learning

The European Agenda for Adult Learning emphasises the role of adult learning as a strong link in the chain of lifelong learning.

Stop youth unemployment!

Unemployment amongst young people is about to become a dangerous time bomb. In Greece, Portugal and Spain, already about half of all young people (15 to 24 years of age) are without employment or vocational training.

Politics to strengthen vocational schools: Technicians equal to Bachelor

The "American way" of self-made professional advancement has branched out to Germany. At the beginning of this year, the federal government set a much overdue signal as regards the value of vocational training.

Crafts and Greens want to reform education system

The education system needs to become more equal, permeable and sustainable. In a joint position paper, the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH) and Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Alliance '90/The Greens) have mapped out goals and measures to prepare the vocational training system to meet the challenges of the skilled labour shortage.

Qualification key for advancement

Hamburg-based enterprises place high significance on the continuing education of their employees.

Open house day for Polish young people

The Education Centre at the Chamber of Crafts organised an open house day for Polish young people. This was already the second time after launching the event in 2011.

Schavan criticises education studies

Federal Education Minister Annette Schavan (CDU) has called into question the informative value of education studies.

European apprentices rarely look at the bigger picture

Only few young people use the opportunity of gathering experience abroad during their initial vocational training period. Although the degree of mobility across borders amongst apprentices seems to be increasing of late, it still remains significantly lower than the target numbers passed by the European Commission in November 2011.

Master craftsman's diploma apogee of professional future

"We are the champions" played and sang the band "Under Cover Crew" up on the neon blue lit stage of the Kur- und Konzerthalle Olsberg and 477 newly graduated master craftswomen and craftsmen presented themselves with proud smiles and waving to their relatives and the many guests of honour, as they entered the hall, marched across the stage and down to their seats.