News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Survey: Continuing occupational education trends

Companies not only once again invest to a greater degree in the qualification of their employees. In the long term, one can in particular observe the trend of their growing interest in integrating the learning and qualification processes into the operational processes.

School project "JobFit" provides career entry support for pupils

For most pupils, the transition from school to a professional career poses a great challenge. The schools already employ a host of approaches to prepare young people for their search for a vocational training position. Frequently, however, the pupils are neither equipped with the knowledge about the right behaviour during an interview nor towards superiors and colleagues in the working environment.

Crafts businesses short of staff

The crafts businesses in the German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg want to employ more personnel but well-qualified specialists are rare. In the competitive quest for these skilled personnel the businesses focus on further training.

Mobile learning continues growth

In German enterprises "Mobile Learning" is about to become the main pillar of digital learning – in addition to "Blended Learning", which is regarded as having the greatest significance for continuing education within enterprises also in the future. This is the result of the trend study MMB Learning Delphi 2011.

Dual system safeguards innovation

Successful innovations originate within a team. German researchers and developers working within enterprises and research institutions advance their inventions only in cooperation with qualified trained personnel. The dual vocational training system guarantees the professional and social qualification of employees.

European Union must improve young people’s qualification!

According to Barbara Fabian, expert for European Union's (EU) education policy at the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), one of the reasons for the lack of perspective on part of many British young people lies in the absence of a good vocational training system in the United Kingdom.

Pilot initiative DECVET: Credit point system for German vocational training

The pilot initiative DECVET, currently in its testing phase, aims at rendering comparable with each other the knowledge, capabilities and competences acquired at different institutions in Germany.

Custom-fit trade qualification by way of vocational training

In its study "Education at a Glance 2011" the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) once again shed light on the educational situation in Germany.

The Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs opens a new SKZ training center in China

On 1st of November 2011 in Kunshan as part of the opening of the Startup Factory a further SKZ educational location is entering into service. During his visit to China, the Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Martin Zeil, participated at the Opening Ceremony.