News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Searching for the best trainee in offset printing

World Skills Germany e.V, the German skills promotion organisation in the field of vocational education and training, will determine the best German trainee in offset printing in a national competition, taking place in Heidelberg from July 18 to 21, 2011. Technique, quality and precision will be crucial during the competition.

Children experience hard-working craftsmen

"Who wants to see hard-working craftsmen?" is the motto under which the Association for Vocational Education (FAA) invites children from daycare facilities on a regular basis. The children are supposed to gain insight into different trade professions.

Official recognition of professional qualifications from abroad

Demographic change affects our society and has already led to a shortage of skilled workers in certain segments of the labour market, e.g. medical and educational professions, care professions and the so-called MINT-professions. Therefore it is important to activate and use all potential of qualifications available in the country. Also, Germany aims at becoming more attractive for qualified foreign workers. In order to ease the path of foreign employees into the workforce, Germany's cabinet has now decided upon a "law of improvement of the identification and recognition of professional qualifications obtained abroad".

Women’s football world championship: Smart Players, on and off the field

Six members of the German women's national football team are not only strong players on the football field, but also in the field of vocational training. Inka Grings, Nadine Angerer, Ariane Hingst, Anja Mittag, Melanie Behringer and Martina Müller have taken up courses at the IST-Institute of Studies, because they want to continue their successful job careers after the World Cup and after their professional careers as football players.

SGB reinaugurates reconstructed "Com-Lab Bio" laboratory

The biology laboratory "Com-Lab Bio" by the Saxon Education Company for Environmental Protection and Chemical Occupations Dresden ltd. (SBG) has been reinaugurated after an adjournment of almost two years and is open to the public again.

SES initiative "VerA" for trainees: Positive results after two years

"VerA" (abbreviation for "prevention of breaking-off training") is a relatively young initiative by the Senior Experts Service (SES) - one of the largest German volunteer organisations for retired specialists and executives. As part of VerA, SES experts assist young trainees who face problems during their training and help build up their social competences and learning motivation.

Chinese delegation visits vocational school

A Chinese delegation from Huangshi, led by the mayor, Yang Xiaobo, visited the Erich-Hauser-Gewerbeschule in Rottweil, Baden-Wuerttemberg to gather information about the German dual system of vocational education and training.

Modernised training for an attractive tourism industry

The training regulations for "Reiseverkehrskaufmann/-kauffrau" (travel agent) have been modernised and adjusted to current industry requirements and developments by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).

The German Chamber of Industry and Commerce expects 400,000 additional jobs

German enterprises are willing to hire new staff. The German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) expects the creation of 400,000 new jobs in the next twelve months.