News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Commercial occupations in air transport updated

Puerto Rico Aeronautical Institute and Lufthansa Technik sign training agreement

The Aeronautical Institute of Puerto Rico (IAAPR by its Spanish initials) and the U.S. Labor Department signed a collaborative agreement with Lufthansa Technik Puerto Rico (LTPR) to recognize its Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) Apprenticeship Program, Gouverneur Ricardo Rosselló announced.

Not always just a purely male domain

Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training BIBB analysis of men and women in technical training occupations

From trainee to plant manager

120 young people are currently training in the aircraft factory. With the 'baby boomer' generations retiring, new skilled workers will be needed in the future.

47 million euros

Secretary of State Baake approves funding for inter-company vocational education and training.

Polish industry looks to automation and skilled worker qualifications

Festo: a driving force in Polish industry for more than 50 years.

Training centre in Nigeria set up by the ZWH starts to deliver training

A ceremony has taken place to mark the opening of Port Harcourt Technical and Vocational Centre (PHTVC) in Nigeria Training will be provided here for 120 pupils in four occupations.

Dual education and training is attractive for all

Increasing numbers people with higher education entrance qualifications are opting for dual education and training - and encouragingly also in the skilled crafts sector.

Once and for all: the master craftsman certificate remains

Despite claims to the contrary, the EU commission does not want to abolish the German master craftsman certificate. The occupational access requirements remain under national jurisdiction.