News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Excellent opportunities with the new upgrading grant

Federal Ministry of Education and Research 'info' tour stops off in Franconia. Parliamentary Secretary of State, Stefan Müller (Member of the Bundestag), provided information about funding options and opportunities in vocational education and training.

Aigner strengthens vocational education and training

State government upgrades technology in vocational schools and Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Bavaria.

Modernisation of the IT occupations in the age of 4.0

The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) has been investigating whether the four dual IT occupations, which have remained unchanged since 1997, need to be modernised. Against the background of the increasing digitalisation of the world of work, the aims of this process were to identify current and foreseeable requirements for skilled IT staff and to draw up proposals for the future shaping of the IT occupations.

Trainees benefit from assisted education and training

There is increasing interest among companies and young people in the model of assisted apprentice training for weaker trainees which was launched last year by the Federal Employment Agency (FEA).

Fun and examinations: experiences in VET at the Buenos Aires VTC

"How am I supposed to remember all that, that's too much at once for the final examination," complains Sofia B, a 19-year-old Argentinian who is hoping to successfully complete her two year training in 8 weeks' time as an Industrial Management Assistant at the vocational training centre (VTC) in Buenos Aires. For the teachers at the VTC, this was reason enough to trial something new during the revision period leading up to the Chamber of Foreign Trade's (AHK) Management Assistant examinations.

New career paths

Attracting young people to Vocational Education and Training while at school with vocational, higher level school leaving certificate and with greater transparency and advice.

Zypries: "The master craftsman certificate remains"

The new EU services package and its attack on both the German skilled crafts and the master craftsman certificate was a key topic at the opening of the Internationalen Handwerksmesse 2017 - the leading craft trade fair. Zypries, Minister of Economic Affairs, is seeking to protect the training system and the Chambers' self-administration in Germany.

"Everybody is given a chance in the skilled crafts"

The skilled crafts provide equality of opportunity. Here there is an opportunity for everybody — if they want it and are prepared to work. A guest article by Hans Peter Wollseifer, President of the German Central Association of Skilled Trades (ZDH).

Certificates acknowledge vocational competencies of people with disabilities

The 33 graduates of the vocational education and training section of the Main-Kinzig disabled persons service can be proud of the certificates presented to them at a ceremony in the Hanauer Brockenhaus. The certificates are intended to help them find work in the primary employment market.