News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Surf and turf specialties – an inside story

Meals for inmates at the Schleswig young offenders' institute are cooked every day in the prison kitchens. Nothing unusual about that, except that the kitchen is also a company offering vocational education and training.

German as a second language: a success story

A third German as a second language class is launched at Eutin District Vocational School

Masterful work even without upper secondary school leaving certificate

Holders of vocational qualification who want to study for a degree need ambition and discipline

Pilot project: French youngsters take a double vocational qualification

Ten French youngsters from near the German border break new ground with their vocational education and training course. In addition to the two-year French BTS négociations relations clients, they can add the German Einzelhandelskaufmann or retail sales assistant in just one year.

Slovakia introduces Germany-style dual training

Industrial mechanics in training on German-Slovakian pilot project

Putting a shine on training with Triale Studies

Many upper secondary school leavers find vocational training unappealing. Formats like Triale Studies give training a boost.

In global demand – Vocational training in Germany

Good career opportunities and a great deal of practical experience – a vocational training course in Germany opens up new prospects for your professional future

New UNICEF report on refugee children

Crisis in the Middle East: 13 Million children not at school

District trades association sets up training partnership in South Africa

Federal Ministry for Development funds three-year training project