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The following 226 result(s) match your search

Logo: Wildau Institute of Technology

Wildau Institute of Technology

We offer international study programmes for the global market.
Logo: WMU GmbH


Worldwide organisation and implementation of training programs for TVET in various disciplines


Training Equipment "Made in Germany" for Electrical Engineering / Electronics, esp. PLC Automation
Logo: Zahlenwerk GmbH

Zahlenwerk GmbH

Our services include training, tailor made business games (simulations), coaching and consulting
Logo: ZDS - Central College of the German Confectionery Industry

ZDS - Central College of the German Confectionery Industry

Centre for training and personnel development for all sectors of the confectionery industry
Logo: ZWH - Central Agency for Continuing Vocational Education and Training in the Skilled Crafts

ZWH - Central Agency for Continuing Vocational Education and Training in the Skilled Crafts

High-quality and modern educational services for the skilled crafts