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The following 223 result(s) match your search

Logo: Institute for SMEs and Crafts at the Allensbach University of Applied Sciences

Institute for SMEs and Crafts at the Allensbach University of Applied Sciences

Dual VET; Dual Higher Education; Education 4.0; Train-the-Trainer; CSR, Internationalization
Logo: inszenio business theatre

inszenio business theatre

Business theatre: Drama-based communication solutions and training programmes.
Logo: INTAMT - International Academy of Management and Technology

INTAMT - International Academy of Management and Technology

Cross-sectoral continous professional development, international project coordination, consulting
Logo: International Foundation College at Paderborn University

International Foundation College at Paderborn University

Preparation courses (W & T) for international students who want to study in Germany as well as German language courses
Logo: Internationaler Bund (IB)

Internationaler Bund (IB)

Whenever social care is required or vocational qualification is wanted the IB is ready to help
Logo: IPA - Institute for Human Resource Development and Organisation

IPA - Institute for Human Resource Development and Organisation

Strategic HR & organisational development, international business leadership development, consultancy & coaching
Logo: ITS International Training & Support GmbH

ITS International Training & Support GmbH

Specialised training products & services: technical, agric, wood & concrete, leadership and more
Logo: Jacobs University Bremen

Jacobs University Bremen

Logo: Journalists-Academy Dr. Hooffacker GmbH & Co. KG

Journalists-Academy Dr. Hooffacker GmbH & Co. KG

Main focus are online-journalism and applied journalism
Logo: Karl Kübel Institute for Development Education

Karl Kübel Institute for Development Education

Focus on self-help based development cooperation in rural areas, human resource development
Logo: KeSch Training International

KeSch Training International

We are specialist for international leadership skills training and sales training for companies of all sizes.
Logo: KICK Consulting

KICK Consulting

Consulting and coaching company for quality and business process management, organisation, leadership and communication
Logo: KMGNE - Collegium for Management and Design of Sustainable Development

KMGNE - Collegium for Management and Design of Sustainable Development

Key qualifications in real work and life circumstances, skills for managing and controlling transition processes
Logo: Kompetenzzentrum Holzbau & Ausbau (Timber & Construction)

Kompetenzzentrum Holzbau & Ausbau (Timber & Construction)

Training courses for carpenters, energy saving and passive houses
Logo: Kreishandwerkerschaft Steinfurt Warendorf

Kreishandwerkerschaft Steinfurt Warendorf

Vocational orientation & training, career preparation, retraining, qualification courses and advanced training
Logo: Kühne Logistics University - KLU

Kühne Logistics University - KLU

THE KLU is dedicated to teaching and research of logistics as a core element of globally organized management.
Logo: KWB - Koordinierungsstelle Weiterbildung und Beschäftigung e. V.

KWB - Koordinierungsstelle Weiterbildung und Beschäftigung e. V.

Utilisation and improvement of existing qualification potentials on a European and regional level
Logo: KWS Energy Knowledge eG

KWS Energy Knowledge eG

Wind Power, Hydro Power, Bioenergy, Nuclear Power, Maintenance, Fossile-fired Steam Turbine Power Plants, Industrial Pow
Logo: Landesspracheninstitut in der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (LSI)

Landesspracheninstitut in der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (LSI)

Language Courses and Intercultural Training (Arabic, Chinese, German, Japanese, Korean and Russian).
Logo: LD Didactic GmbH

LD Didactic GmbH

Complete solutions for education in natural sciences as well as for training in technology (TVET)