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International Newsletter - Issue 2/2024

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iMOVE News

portrait ambassador  

New Ambassador of the Republic of Botswana meets iMOVE

On 20 March 2024, the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), iMOVE and the Ambassador of the Republic of Botswana to Germany, His Excellency John-Thomas Dipowe, discussed opportunities for cooperation with the German education sector.

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Provider pool

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Impact Week

Intercultural Design Thinking training in the Global South with direct application and social impact

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News on "Training - made in Germany"


Super precise! Training for precision opticians updated!

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Business management competence for digital, networked and sustainable industry

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Germany takes a more flexible approach in VET

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Six strengths of the German economy

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How training regulations are developed

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Making sustainability tangible - with the VET Chain

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New Guidance on Integrating Democratic Competences in VET Announced

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All there is to know about European apprenticeships close to hand

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Cedefop's NQF online tool allows cross-border comparison of qualifications

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Implementation of UNESCO Recommendation on Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

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Statement by the European Commission and the High Representative on International Day of Education

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Focus on education for STEM professions

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Heinze Akademie Pioneers TVET Transformation through China Overseas Training for Innovation Team

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China-Germany Cooperation: Taicang in East China becomes a home for German firms

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German-Vietnamese Cooperation on the Exchange of Skilled Workers

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Malaysia: German industrial players invited to join national TVET Council

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Indonesia seeks continued German support for vocational training

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How DIMO is Elevating Vocational Education in Sri Lanka

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Tunisia and Germany Strengthen Partnership to Boost Youth Employment and Skill Development

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Nigeria: Bayelsa Is Going To Partner Institutes On VET - Programme Modelled After Germany's VET

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Germany donates 4.5 million euro for VET in South Sudan

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Kenya: KEPSA Partners With GIZ To Implement Dual TVET Training Program

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A good start to your career

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Federal Institute for Vocational
Education and Training (BIBB)
iMOVE: Training - Made in Germany
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 114-116
53113 Bonn

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