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International Newsletter - Issue 3/2024

Content of the newsletter


Event reports

People on a bus raise their hands with their thumbs up iMOVE

eLearning Africa: Education – Innovation – Transformation

From 29 to 31 May 2024, the global education scene met at eLearning Africa in Rwanda. The preceding iMOVE visitor programme was met with great interest and a positive response from German education providers.

» Report

group picture of the German delegation and African hosts Alexa Gerrard, AHK Southern Africa

2nd German-Botswana Symposium on Vocational Education and Training: Viva TVET!

The second German-Botswana Symposium on VET attracted almost 300 participants to Gaborone on 13 June 2024. Botswana's Minister of Education and a delegation of German training providers were also in attendance.

» Report



cover of the publication shows a man with a pen in his hand laughing heartily  

8 Case Studies of Soft Skills Training

A new issue from the "Developing Skills for Employability with German Partners" series has now been published.

» Publication


iMOVE News


First AHK Academy in China officially opened

The opening ceremony of the AHK Academy in Taicang took place on 7 August 2024. In the initial phase, the academy will offer short-term training in VDE electrical safety, MPS and pneumatics/electropneumatics as well as AEVO and examiner training,

» News


Provider pool

logo alpha aktiv  

Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg

More than 20 years experience in language teaching, cultural education, interactive learning methods

» Provider

logo Brenner Communication  

Brenner Communication

Tailor-made English Tutorials f-2-f or Online Training Manager courses in German or in English

» Provider

logo supratix  

SupraTix GmbH

Expertise in innovative e-learning solutions, customizable training, and digital transformation.

» Provider




News on "Training - made in Germany"


200 students will be studying in the dual VET programm of the BMW group plant debrecen

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These are the changes for foreign skilled professionals

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Skilled workers for international companies

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Further provisions of new legislation on skilled immigration enter into force

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"I know how much we're in demand on the German labour market"

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Fashion design in traditional crafts

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India: Karnataka govt's training helps youths find jobs in Europe

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Singapore: Transformation in Vocational Education and Training

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New Egyptian-German College - lighthouse project in the field of vocational training

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From Kenya to Germany to train as a nurse

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The US Needs Workers - Germany's Apprenticeship Model Can Help

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VET-Partnership in East Africa – Three partner countries in one project

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Bridging Skills Gap Through Dual Training In Kenya

» News


CoRiCert – How Costa Rica is supported to develop action-oriented exams

» News



Federal Institute for Vocational
Education and Training (BIBB)
iMOVE: Training - Made in Germany
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 114-116
53113 Bonn

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