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Logo: G.U.N.T. Geraetebau GmbH

G.U.N.T. Geraetebau GmbH

Support and solutions in the field of engineering education and professional training, planning, training and hardware
Logo: German Academy for Renewable Energy and Environmental Technology

German Academy for Renewable Energy and Environmental Technology

Training programs, seminars, conferences & workshops in the field of renewable energy & environmental technology
Logo: German Academy of Digital Education GmbH

German Academy of Digital Education GmbH

Course production, AR/VR applications, content adaption, "Bridge the Gap", Higher Education, TVET
Logo: German National Bakers Academy

German National Bakers Academy

Trainings for international bakers, consulting to found and develop baker schools
Logo: GFW International GmbH

GFW International GmbH

German Dual Vocational Training and Consulting
Logo: GICI Institute for Competitive Intelligence GmbH

GICI Institute for Competitive Intelligence GmbH

Competitive Intelligence, Market Intelligence
Logo: GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH

GIZ - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH

As a federal enterprise we offer sustainable and effective solutions in political, economic and social change processes.
Logo: GRB Gemeinnütziges Rheinisches Bildungszentrum GmbH

GRB Gemeinnütziges Rheinisches Bildungszentrum GmbH

Association of training and educational institutions

GMP training for graduate and post-graduate students for access to pharma management positions
Logo: GSI - German Welding Institute

GSI - German Welding Institute

All areas of welding and testing engineering