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Logo: C3L - Center for Lifelong Learning

C3L - Center for Lifelong Learning

Qualify present and future managers of online, distance education, and e-learning
Logo: GmbH GmbH offers a training program for engineers in automotive development
Logo: Carl Duisberg Centren gemeinnützige GmbH

Carl Duisberg Centren gemeinnützige GmbH

Skilled Workers, Management, Intercultural, Leadership, Diversity, TVET Training and Qualification
Logo: Carsten Deters & Partner

Carsten Deters & Partner

Train-the-Trainer programs for your in-house trainers to establish a high and professional standard.
Logo: CBS International Business School

CBS International Business School

English and German-taught Business Programs for undergraduate and graduate degrees as well as MBAs.
Logo: CDB Bildungsconsulting GmbH

CDB Bildungsconsulting GmbH

All-round cooperation in higher education and vocational education between China and Germany
Logo: Certif-ID International GmbH

Certif-ID International GmbH

Training provider can issue digital certificates via blockchain
Logo: Chamber of Skilled Crafts South Thuringia, Vocational Training and Technology Center Rohr-Kloster

Chamber of Skilled Crafts South Thuringia, Vocational Training and Technology Center Rohr-Kloster

Vocational training at the state-of-the-art in skilled crafts, train-the-trainer
Logo: Change International Consulting and Training

Change International Consulting and Training

Solutions in the field of human resource and organisational development
Logo: China Consultancy

China Consultancy

Cross-cultural training, negotiation support, team building, coaching and conflict management.
Logo: Christiani GmbH & Co. KG

Christiani GmbH & Co. KG

Concept of lifelong learning, solutions for technical education and training, didactic materials.
Logo: clear entrance®

clear entrance®

Tailor-made education for instructors incl. further training courses in customer service management
Logo: Coaching & Consulting Ralf Messbacher

Coaching & Consulting Ralf Messbacher

Enabling for Change: Facilitation, teambuilding, outdoor training, workshops, coaching, training, change management
Logo: COGNOS International GmbH

COGNOS International GmbH

We create and deliver life-long education concepts to fit to customer needs, market trends and best-in-class
Logo: COLCONS Corporate Learning Consultants by Dr. Daniel Büttner

COLCONS Corporate Learning Consultants by Dr. Daniel Büttner

Training of Trainers and Examiners for TVET, Corporate Learning Consulting, In-house or Web-based
Logo: Collective Leadership Institute gGmbH

Collective Leadership Institute gGmbH

Sustainable Development, SDG 17, Partnerships, Collective Leadership, Stakeholder Dialogues
Logo: Com-Unic Corporate Group

Com-Unic Corporate Group

Accreditation of Qualifications, Training, Coaching, Intercultural Competences, Translations, Proofreading
Logo: Complexity Management Academy GmbH

Complexity Management Academy GmbH

Spezialized on building competencies in the field of complexity management
Logo: Consultant-NET Unternehmensberatung GmbH

Consultant-NET Unternehmensberatung GmbH

Training and coaching: Train-the-Trainer, Brand and Brand Behaviour, products, teambuilding
Logo: Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH

Cornelsen Schulverlage GmbH

Publishing: language courses, vocational textbooks, business training books
Logo: Cottbus Chamber of Skilled Crafts

Cottbus Chamber of Skilled Crafts

Vocational education and further training in skilled crafts
Logo: Crossing Cultures

Crossing Cultures

Specialist for intercultural communication competency, cross-cultural team management, Fit-for-Germany trainings
Logo: Cutec-Institut GmbH

Cutec-Institut GmbH

General environmental services, waste recycling, wastewater treatment, training programs, environmental studies, labs