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Logo: Landesspracheninstitut in der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (LSI)

Landesspracheninstitut in der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (LSI)

Language Courses and Intercultural Training (Arabic, Chinese, German, Japanese, Korean and Russian).
Logo: LD Didactic GmbH

LD Didactic GmbH

Complete solutions for education in natural sciences as well as for training in technology (TVET)
Logo: Lecturio GmbH

Lecturio GmbH

Comprehensive digital learning platform for medical, nursing, and health worker students & educators
Logo: LinkingCultures


Intercultural Communication- / Leadership Trainings with a focus on Asia / China & Germany
Logo: LOGO e.V.


Training for organic farming and renewable energies
Logo: Lucas-Nülle GmbH

Lucas-Nülle GmbH

Implementation of international vocational training projects, Real Experience Learning
Logo: Lutz & Grub AG

Lutz & Grub AG

Microsoft IT training and solutions, project management, digital transition
Logo: LVG Heidelberg

LVG Heidelberg

Horticulture, (Ecological) Ornamental plant & vegetable production, urban arboriculture, landscaping, digital media