News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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TÜV Rheinland focuses on vocational training in India

In December 2013 a business transfer agreement was signed between TÜV Rheinland India and NIFE India regarding the takeover of the NIFE training activities. NIFE is a major provider of vocational education, a strongly growing market in India. NIFE is currently already present in seven Indian states and 70 cities.

"HealthCare plus" wins Booaoo Award

The Booaoo Award is a prize that is awarded by China Online Edu and which is presented at the China Enterprise eLearning Forum and Exhibition (CEEFE). In its decision, the jury in Beijing praised in particular the innovative concept of the English-language learning programme "HealthCare plus" created by the Know How! AG.

Mustafa wants to make it

With his 20 years, Mustafa Sahin is one of many apprentices in the Swabian town of Schorndorf. Sahin, who has Turkish roots, is being trained for the occupation of construction mechanic and now enters into the second year of the three and a half year vocational education and training course. The business providing his vocational training is the company Almepro Metalltechnik.

Embroidery firms put their bet on new technology

When the executives and employees of the company Dietrich Wetzel in Plauen inaugurate their new building and commission the brand new embroidery machine Epoca-6 it houses, then 19-year-old Daniel Pilz from Plauen will be there, too.

When t-shirts absorb sweat marks

"Coaching 4 Future" was the slogan of the programme attended by tenth-grade students at the educational centre Parkschule. This consisted of an interactive lecture on vocational education and training in the fields of mathematics, computer sciences, natural sciences and technology.

Discovering talent

The federal government's career guidance programme makes it easier for young people and late career entrants to choose an occupation. Inter-company vocational training schools analyse the young people's potential and thus help them to discover their talents.

Five years VerA Initiative: Help for 3,000 apprentices

Five years ago, the Senior Experts Service (SES) initiative VerA was launched, which prevents young people from discontinuing their vocational education and training course. A veritable success story: by now, 3,000 apprentices have taken advantage of the SES proposal.

Mama is an apprentice

Sarah Jagemann was 19 when she had her twins. As such, a joyful event. But difficult in the period of launching yourself into a career. A regular vocational education and training course of 40 hours per week was impossible with two small children. But an apprenticeship with reduced numbers of hours - that was an option.

"Huge gap between sustainability idea and corresponding vocational training"

At the approximately 8,000 vocational colleges and schools in Germany, apprentices are qualified to work in 340 occupations, but, as yet, the topic of sustainability hardly plays a role. This is something Andreas Fischer, professor for occupational and business education and business didactics at the Leuphana University Lüneburg, wants to change.