News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Cooking for Europe

Five apprentices from Neubrandenburg were given the opportunity of getting to know Europe in a pleasant way. Together with vocational students from Poland and Slovakia, they met at a vocational college near Lodz for the EU project "Healthy Lifestyle". Yet not just for fun.

Good secondary modern students: businesses providing vocational training mostly satisfied

Businesses hiring secondary modern graduates as apprentices are usually more than averagely satisfied with them – compared to their expectations. This is the result of a study by the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB).

Eckert on its way to No. 1 amongst private schools

For years, the privately run Eckert Schools have been setting standards in vocational education and training. Now, the "corporation of knowledge" wants to become the largest private provider of education in Germany.

Inclusion initiative for vocational education and employment

A joint inclusion initiative for more in-company vocational education and employment of people with disabilities, which is part of the German federal government's National Action Plan for implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, has recently been agreed upon.

Drywall builder from Töging is best vocational trainer in the crafts

Trade entrepreneur Johannes Demmelhuber from Upper Bavaria has been awarded the 2013 "Heribert Späth Prize for special vocational education and training achievements in the crafts". Demmelhuber has developed vocational education and training in his business to become a veritable brand, which is well known amongst youths, parents and teachers in the region.

Indo German Conference: "How to Tackle the Skills Mismatch in India - A Company Driven Approach"

The President of the Federal Republic of Germany Joachim Gauck attended the two-day Indo German Conference on "How to Tackle the Skills Mismatch in India - A Company Driven Approach" at the Infosys Campus in Bangalore, Karnataka.

Indo German Conference: "How to Tackle the Skills Mismatch in India - A Company Driven Approach"

The President of the Federal Republic of Germany Joachim Gauck attended the two-day Indo German Conference on "How to Tackle the Skills Mismatch in India - A Company Driven Approach" at the Infosys Campus in Bengaluru, Karnataka.

University craze begins to threaten the Continent

James Calleja, the new head of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), demands a departure from the fixation on a university course as an ideal of education and professional training.

"Turned my hobby into a profession"

During a career guidance project week, an information event regarding the dual system of vocational education and training was hosted at the Markgrafen Realschule in Emmendingen. Thanks to the BBQ initiative (Vocational Education Qualification) four young vocational education and training ambassadors from the region were asked to tell the ninth grade students about their professional careers.