News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Cameron: "We must be more like the Germans"

According to Prime Minister David Cameron, Great Britain must follow the example of Germany in combating the skilled labour shortage. "We need frankly to have a more Germanic approach to that skills deficit," Cameron declared.

Awarding of home economics master craftsman certificates

Katrin Altpeter, Social Affairs Minister of the State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg, perceives home economics as an occupation for the future and therefore campaigns for greater social acknowledgement of the home economics professions.

Special Focus: iMOVE B2B marketplace helps solve skills issues

The availability of well-qualified staff presents a challenge for companies worldwide. Practice-oriented vocational education and training from Germany can solve occupational qualification issues. The iMOVE B2B marketplace promotes collaboration opportunities and facilitates business contacts in this field.

Too few craftsmen in Portugal

Why Portugal's Education Minister Nuno Crato wants to import the dual system.

Training to be a geomatics engineer: Surveyors of the world

Hardly anybody knows their occupation, yet almost everybody knows their work: geomatics engineers are the heads behind the navigation system in the car, the world map above the kitchen table and the bicycle trail map on the front rack.

Chambers committed to dual vocational training system

The chambers of industry and commerce, the chambers of crafts and the economic chambers in Germany, Luxemburg and Austria now have issued a joint declaration in favour of increased European educational co-operation throughout Europe.

German vocational training for Southern Italy

After Spain and Portugal, Italy now is likewise interested in the dual vocational education and training system. In Naples, Federal Labour Minister Ursula von der Leyen and her Italian colleague Elsa Fornero have signed a memorandum, which provides for exporting the successful German apprenticeship model to Italy.

Elephant management: Caution, trunk swings out

This year, the "First European Elephant Management School" celebrates its tenth anniversary. What sounds like a strange continuing education course for thick-skinned managers and corporate grey eminences, is a programme for elephant keepers from all over the world.

Internal continuing education not sufficient

In an international survey, 80 per cent of respondent human resources (HR) executives stated that today, their employees have to undergo continuing education more often and faster than only five years ago.