News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Providers of continuing education remain optimistic

At present, the continuing education industry does not feel the effects of the weak economic situation.

International qualifications: what they mean for citizens

A new Cedefop study opens a discussion on international qualifications: what they are, how they are managed, and how they may affect national qualifications and standards as well as the common EU tools for vocational education and training.

Education at a Glance 2012

Annually published by the OECD, "Education at a Glance" provides an international perspective on questions of educational policy. The results offer guidance in evaluating the development of Germany's education system and in the further development reform strategies.

German Ambassador speaks at FICCI's Global Skills Summit

German Ambassador Michael Steiner introduced Germany's dual system of vocational training at the inaugural session of FICCI's Global Skills Summit on Thursday, 6th September, 2012.

SMEs as partners in pilot projects of BIBB main funding focus

The aim of the main funding focus "New routes into dual training - heterogeneity as an opportunity to secure the supply of skilled workers" is to develop and foster innovative pathways into training.

Graduates of dual courses of study are "much in demand"

Bright prospects for graduates of dual courses of study: In a company survey conducted by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), 45 per cent of the enterprises indicated they would hire all dual system students in their firms once they had completed their studies.

Great interest in dual system of vocational education and training in the USA

The improvement of vocational education and training is given a high political priority in the USA. German enterprises that offer training courses oriented on the German system together with US educational establishments are highly appreciated by the US administration.

IW Continuing education survey

If there is not sufficient suitable personnel available on the labour market, it can help to increase one's efforts in qualifying one's existing employees. According to the IW Cologne Institute for Economic Research's latest continuing education survey, about two thirds of German enterprises agree with this statement.

Dual study course graduates highly sought after

Excellent professional perspectives for dual study course graduates: In a company survey conducted by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), 45 per cent of polled businesses stated that they continue to employ all dual study course graduates after completion of their studies.