News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Pathways to the master craftsman certificate

There is a desperate need for a master craftsmen and women in many skilled crafts occupations. However the route to a master craftsman certificate can be long and arduous - journeymen do, after all, often have to complete their training alongside their career. Good planning and information on the options for financial support are therefore important.

Ongoing development made easy

Grant supports young people in continuing education and training.

Budding photographers and graphic designers on an exchange in Isfahan

Freiburg vocational school students visited Isfahan and returned with their impressions and, of course, photos.

South Koreans visit the Max Weber School to find out more about the dual system model

The visitors explored dual vocational education and training in Germany as an example to follow in their own country.

Cross-border training

The Saarland Ministry of Education and Culture, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Saarland Chamber of Crafts and Trades have agreed a cooperation under which, in future, not only the school-based element of vocational education and training is to be covered by relevant certification, but the cross-border, company-based part of the training is also to benefit.

Weekend school offers vocational education and training to Year 5 pupils

Learning about skilled trades companies and trying their hand at dog training - all this at the age of just 10 or 11.

Digitalisation requires constant adaptation of the training system

Commercial training managers from across Germany met in Hamburg to discuss the impacts of the digital transformation on all areas of vocational education and training. The event was hosted by the Coordination Office for Vocational Education and Training (KWB) in cooperation with the AGA employers' association.

Digital skilled trades: Federal President Steinmeier is impressed

The skilled trades are resolutely facing up to digitalisation. On his visit to Bayreuth, the Federal President appeared impressed by the ingenuity of the brewers, orthopaedic technicians, carpenters and vehicle mechanics.

Voluntary post with a great deal of responsibility

The Upper Franconia Chamber of Commerce and Industry recognises 68 of its examiners who have been performing their role for 10 years. Three experts from the district of Kronach are also present.