News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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DB Regio and DB Training win German Education Prize 2013

Tablet computers make possible the optimisation of information processes as well as allowing mobile employees to work and learn while on the go. The "Pro InFo KiN" project was awarded the 1st German Education Prize in the category Innovation.

Russian guests closely scrutinise the German vocational education and training system

How do vocational education and apprenticeship work in Germany? What can we in Russia learn from this model? These were the questions three teachers and five students from the partnering city of Novocherkassk brought with them on their two-week visit to Iserlohn.

Master craftsman bonus as expression of appreciation of vocational education and training system

On 1 September 2013, the master craftsman bonus promoted by Bavaria's Minister for Economic Affairs has come into effect. Each successful graduate of the vocational continuing education course resulting in the qualification of master craftsman or an equivalent qualification now receives a master craftsman bonus to the amount of 1,000 Euro.

Continuing education geared for growth

The Wuppertaler Kreis e.V. is the German federal association of the industry's leading continuing education institutions. In 2012, 1.3 million participants, mostly industry professionals and executives, chose continuing education for their professional qualification by attending one of the more than 131,000 seminars, training courses and events hosted by the member institutes of the Wuppertaler Kreis.

iMOVE at summit "Skill Enterprise Engagement for Empowering Kerala" in India

iMOVE introduced Germany's dual system of vocational education and training at the Kerala State Government summit "SEEK'13 (Skill Enterprise Engagement for Empowering Kerala)" which took place from 5 to 6 November 2013.

Special Focus: New iMOVE Trend Barometer predicts good perspectives for German training export

According to a recent survey of 100 managers of German training providers, they expect a higher growth in training export than ever before. The panel represents a sales volume of 2.78 billion euro in the education sector and of 550 million euro in training export. iMOVE surveys the current developments of this business sector since 2007.

Use leave of absence for education

The number of employees in the German Federal State of Rhineland-Palatinate, who use the legally guaranteed leave of absence, has been growing steadily over the course of the past few years.

Trades have a future

The third nation-wide Day of Crafts took place at the end of September 2013 under the motto "Future Derives from Capability”.

Vietnamese nursing care professionals are being trained in Germany

With the start of the new apprenticeship year, 102 young people from Vietnam were the first from their country to begin a geriatric care apprenticeship in Germany. This launched the decisive phase of the Federal Ministry of Economy and Technology's (BMWi) pilot project to provide vocational education and training for future geriatric care professionals from Vietnam.