News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Remote-controlled vehicle simulators for Swedish police force

In future, the Swedish police force will employ virtual reality training systems to train its officers in the use of remote-controlled vehicles for the investigation and removal of dangerous objects. The systems were recently delivered by szenaris GmbH, a German company specialising in innovative e-learning applications.

Lifelong learning more and more important

Demographic change, the threat of skilled labour shortage and prolongation of working lifetime: vocational education becomes more and more important. Already, professional development training is increasingly an alternative to university entrance qualification and university degree courses.

Apprenticeship placement exchange goes mobile

The Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHK) apprenticeship placement exchange now features also a mobile app. Vacant apprenticeship placements can be searched using a smartphone.

Vocational education and training provides perspectives

In its Vocational Education and Training Report 2013, the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB) warned about the development of a "two-class society". Although, due to demographic changes, the labour market has entered into a phase of relaxation, only young people with good school graduation results profit from this.

Vocational education and training provides perspectives

In its Vocational Education and Training Report 2013, the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB) warned about the development of a "two-class society". Although, due to demographic changes, the labour market has entered into a phase of relaxation, only young people with good school graduation results profit from this.

Good education is the best premise for successful reintegration into society

At the JVA Ravensburg penal institution, the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Education and Culture of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg presented new guidelines for secondary and vocational education within the penal system.

iMOVE at Don Bosco Exposure and Dialogue Programme Workshop in Pune, India

iMOVE took part in the workshop "Training Skilled Workers - Encouraging Young People. Innovative Cooperation between Nonprofit Organisations and Enterprises in Vocational Education and Training", held by the Exposure and Dialogue Programme Association and the Don Bosco Mondo Association from 10 to 16 November 2013 in Pune, India.

DB Regio and DB Training win German Education Prize 2013

Tablet computers make possible the optimisation of information processes as well as allowing mobile employees to work and learn while on the go. The "Pro InFo KiN" project was awarded the 1st German Education Prize in the category Innovation.

Russian guests closely scrutinise the German vocational education and training system

How do vocational education and apprenticeship work in Germany? What can we in Russia learn from this model? These were the questions three teachers and five students from the partnering city of Novocherkassk brought with them on their two-week visit to Iserlohn.