News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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BIBB President Esser Balanced: "VET necessary"

BIBB specialist journal "BWP" with periodical "VET 4.0"

Qualifications for refugees lead to boom in continuing education and training

BIBB and DIE publish 2016 wbmonitor climate values

Digital translation: New advanced training regulation enters into force on 1 January

Computer-aided translation, virtual databases and social media platforms for the exchange of translation solutions are just some of the buzz words which encapsulate the wide-ranging digital developments that have taken place in the translation industry over recent years. Such aspects are exerting an impact on the demands made of translators today.

Automobile business administrators in the fast lane

Updated training regulation entered into force on 1 August 2017

German dual VET system on national TV in India

The national Indian TV broadcasting system presents three German apprentices to exemplify the German dual training system. iMOVE supported and accompanied the crew from India who filmed in the Bonn region in May 2017. The feature for the national TV series "Hunnarbaaz" aims at improving the image of VET.

Top 10 training occupations for 2016

BIBB publishes new contract rankings

Three foreign representative offices of iMOVE open to the public

Apart from its office in the Delhi region (India), iMOVE has set up two new offices in China and in Iran.

From the field to storage and on to the mill

Modernisation of training in the milling and grain production industry

More English, more security, more service

Commercial occupations in air transport updated