Oman setzt Pläne zur Entwicklung der beruflichen Bildung um

Das 7. omanische Sommer-Bildungsforum stand unter dem Thema "Learning, School View - Teacher's Effort - Student's Aspiration". Für das Bildungsministerium des Sultanats ist die Veranstaltung gleichzeitig ein Instrument zum Aufbau sogenannter "Bildungs-Kader" und zum Austausch lokaler und internationaler Kenntnisse und Erfahrungen.

Educational Forum: Oman implementing vocational development plans

The five-day 7th Summer Educational Forum was concluded in the Applied Sciences College in Salalah. The forum was held under the theme "Learning, School View - Teacher's Effort - Student's Aspiration."

During the concluding ceremony, Yahya bin Khamis al Harthy, Chairman of the 7th Summer Educational Forum Committee pointed out that the Education Ministry is working on implementing vocational development plans for reinforcing skills and capabilities of employees, as well as, promoting their knowledge that positively will be reflected on the education process.

Al Harthy also said that the educational forums are considered as a major pillar in this field as it presents training workshops, practices, experiments, as well as, international experiences that stem from Sultanate's attention attached to the human factor as it is the base of the civilizational building and an important aspect for developing the Omani society.

At the end of the ceremony, the chief guest distributed appreciation certificates and shields to participants of working papers, rapporteurs and chairmen of the meetings, as well as, the female teachers who took part in the exhibition organized on the sidelines of the forum.

300 educationalists took part in the forum from the educational directorates, the Ministry's General Diwan, in addition to, other AGCC educational participations, Yemen, Lebanon, Belarus, and international experts from Finland, Australia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Canada, USA and Mauritius.

The 7th Summer Educational Forum included several workshops that focused on three main themes, such as, the School Administration and Professional Development, Education Projects and Activation of Technology and the School Contact with the Society. Participants were familiarized with the experiences of the participant countries in the field of promoting the level of the learning process, as well as, developing educational systems, in addition to organizing lectures and recreational visits to tourist and cultural landmarks in Dhofar Governorate.

It is worth mentioning that the forum is a main tool invested by the Ministry of Education in building efficient educational cadres. It is also seen as an interactive educational festival for exchanging local and international knowledge, experiences and experiments that aim at developing the educational practices of those working in academic and educational fields, in addition to, building bridges of communication amongst the educationalists.

Quelle: Artikel Internetseite Global Arab Network, August 2010