Bildungsqualität im Nahen Osten weit unter internationalen Standards

Die dringend notwendige Veränderung der Bildungssysteme des Nahen Ostens war ein Schwerpunkt des Wirtschaftsforums in Jeddah (Jeddah Economic Forum).


ME education below global standards - JEF


Education in the Middle East is well below international standards, according to delegates at the Jeddah Economic Forum (JEF) on Monday.


This was the view of a number of panelists who participated in a discussion on the topic of regional priorities. They said education systems need to be transformed to help develop Middle East economies.


The morning session was moderated by Al-Arabiya presenter Turki Al-Dakhil and the discussion led by Dr. Abdullah S. Dahlan, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, College of Business Administration (CBA); Dato Noor Rezan Bapoo Hashim, Special Advisor on Education at Malaysia's Khazanah Nasional; Dr. Hamad M.H. Al-Sheikh, Deputy Education Minister for Boys, Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia; and Jari Lavonen, Professor of Physics and Chemistry Education, Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki.


Dahlan pointed out that Saudi Arabia and the Gulf lie at the heart of the Middle East, strategically placed between North Africa and South Asia, which in 2011 dominated global media headlines as the region erupted in political turmoil. "The winds of change swept across borders, leaving no country in the region unaffected. One imperative did become clear, which is that the need to build the economies of tomorrow requires an immediate focus on three priorities - education, employment and entrepreneurship," he added.


Dahlan said that improving education is an acknowledged global tool to positively impact society. In the Middle East, despite great long-term strides in literacy, the region's education today ranks below the global average. "Addressing the short and long-term methods of this crisis can have a positive impact not only on today's generation, but for generations to come."


The speakers also emphasized that primary and secondary education should be the focus of development. It will usually take six years or less, on average, for a national education system to move from one level of performance to another.


Capacity-building is a pressing need. Over 6,000 schools and 163,000 teachers have to be added to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) education system over the next decade. Six interventions are needed.


This includes improving the skills of teachers and management skills of principals; properly assessing students; improving data systems; revising education policies and legislation; upgrading standards and curricula; and providing proper pay for educators.


Hashim said that in the short-term, the focus should be on tertiary education with education-for-employment (E4E) a priority. Tools that can be used include vocational training and education, university education and work-readiness training.


"The E4E Employer survey revealed that too many university students in MENA (Middle East and North Africa) countries study education and humanities, at the expense of professional and scientific subjects. The surveys of 1,500 employers indicate that while this mix may have been appropriate historically for securing employment within the public sector, it is no longer appropriate for today's job market needs," Hashim added.


Lavonen said MENA countries lag behind their peers across standardized assessments and students are not adequately prepared for the workforce. "While there is consensus on the corrective measures, these countries face natural challenges to implement effective transformation programs. MENA countries can take heart from case examples of successful, rapid transformation programs."


According to the latest survey of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) among nine countries including Singapore, Japan, United States, Italy, Lebanon, Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom came in last position after Lebanon, Bahrain, Egypt and Kuwait respectively, while Singapore came in first place followed by Japan and the United States.


The panelists recommended certain policy measures to improve education.


  • Firstly, improve teacher quality by attracting high-caliber teaching candidates through a selection process involving better salaries and professional development opportunities. Improve education and training for teachers by including more practical experience and peer coaching.
  • Secondly, improve performance management by developing monitoring and assessment systems, to better understand students and school performance; and improve data collection management.
  • Thirdly, introduce mandatory work experience in higher and vocational education; and have more public-private partnerships to provide training and curriculum design.


Education coupled with vocational training will boost competitiveness

Saudi Arabia's education system came under a critical spotlight at the opening session of day two of the Jeddah Economic Forum on Monday. The panelists in a lively and at times outspoken analysis of the structure and output of the system both criticized it for teaching theoretical and impractical skills that had little relevance to the real-world jobs market and the needs of the private sector.


Hamad Al-Sheikh, deputy education minister for boys at the Ministry of Education, countered with a comprehensive description of the plans and projects under development within the ministry that indicated that there was reform in hand.


The minister reviewed the history and structure of the current education system in the Kingdom and stressed the intention to build a knowledge-based society that was "a contributor to human wealth."


He said that globalization had eliminated barriers between people and barriers to world knowledge. "It has forced states into competitiveness - Saudi needs to be competitive, and we need to match the educational skills of the international market." he added.


For the future, he said, he sought major strategies for the development of education.


"Our schools lack administrative structure - there is isolation around teachers, no incentives for teachers or students. The school we seek will encourage students and teachers to seek a high level of community participation," he said.


He presented future programs including development of English language skills, the establishment of an independent assessment organization - and initiatives for private sector input to public education, an initiative for the improvement of teachers qualified from Saudi universities and an organization for the promotion of teachers through assessment.


Abdullah Dahlan, chairman of the board of trustees, CBA (College of Business Administration, Jeddah), said education did not measure up to the market's need for skilled labor. "Many students go in for a year of foundation course before they get accepted in universities and their graduates in turn are not able to get jobs because their education does not meet the market needs."


"I was a student 40 years ago. I went into investment business and then came back to education through teaching at the university only to find that the curriculums have not changed," he pointed out.


Dahlan said that 82 percent of graduates have studied theoretical programs, while only the remaining 18 percent graduated in scientific majors that are of interest to the job market. This has resulted in unemployment, he said. "The solution does not lie in sending these graduates for teaching," he said commenting on the large number of teachers that the Kingdom has compared to other professionals.


He stressed that there is need for providing education with training to meet the labor market requirements. "Many (employers) do not want to employ Saudis because they lack the required skills."


According to him, the serious problem facing the Arab region is educational and not political. "45 percent of the Arab population is illiterate," he said, adding that a vast number of people in the region study only for 5 years while in other regions the number is as high as 15 years.


Dahlan said the private sector also has to shoulder the responsibility for the low level of education. "Investors tend to go for businesses that give immediate returns, and do not plan for long term projects with employment potential," he said.


Dahlan believed that the education authorities were only concerned with certificates and degrees. "They are not concerned with public education - the students, teachers and kids are just means to achieve certain ends," he said. "If we have a good education system, we would be good at everything including planning and the economy, building humans and even the survival of leaderships and nations."


He added that his researches had revealed that there was an education crisis in the Arab World where 45 percent of people above 15 years old were illiterate and those under 25 years old had on average only five years of education whereas elsewhere it was 13. "Average expenditure is only eight percent of GDP, although Saudi Arabia has the highest. I have a total belief that we have a problem with education and this has had its impact on employment."


This, he said, had contributed to the belief in the private sector that Saudis did not have the skills they needed for the private sector.


The leadership has deployed billions to support employment but the private sector is the prime suspect at not employing Saudi graduates. Their prime excuse is that Saudis are not qualified, and did not have the skills we need in the private sector.


"The main reason for the failure of Saudi university graduate students is the mainstream public education system which depends on learning by rote and does not develop the curriculum, concentrates on theoretical not practical. We now have high-school graduates who do not have the ability to study at university," he said.


Malaysia, said Noor Hashim, special advisor on education at Khazanah National, has a holistic approach to education and has found that the child develops faster if the teacher is good. While the educational structure is highly ordered and bureaucratic, the approach to teaching is flexible and focused on making children thinkers, not simply rote learners and absorbers of fact. "That is no good for the jobs market," she said.


"We have brought in people to change the methods of teaching to make sure that we deliver the goods, she said." The most important thing in teaching and learning is to engage the child - not just feeding.


The high flying graduates of the system have been encouraged to return to teaching after working for some time in the private sector perhaps as lawyers, doctors and other professionals.


"They train for two years to become teachers and have changed the nature of teaching," she noted. She cited one experiment that saw a group taught by these returnees as improving their English skills by 15 percent and math skills by more that 35 percent in just one month. "We cannot be conclusive yet, but the results look positive," she said.


Jari Lavonen, professor of physics and chemistry education at the University of Helsinki, avowed that the most important part of the education system were the teachers.


The Finnish example devolved power within the system to the lowest levels - classroom and individual school. "Trust between teachers and of teachers is a very important element in the system," he said.

Quellen: The Saudi Gazette, 06.03.2012; Arab News;, 06.03.2012