VAE und Konrad Adenauer Stiftung wollen im Mediabereich kooperieren

Die Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) und der Nationale Mediarat (NMC) der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE) identifizierten gemeinsame Interessen und Möglichkeiten einer künftigen Zusammenarbeit im Bereich Medien. Die KAS ist unter anderem aktiv im Training junger Journalisten.

UAE, Germany join hands to boost media ties

Possible areas of future cooperation in the field of media between Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) of Germany and the UAE National Media Council (NMC) were discussed in a meeting between them.

KAS and the NMC agreed that there are many fields of joint interest.

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung is one of the biggest and most influential political organisations in Germany, related to the biggest political party in the country, the party of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is also a board member of KAS.

KAS Vice-Chairman Professor Norbert Lammert, President of the German Parliament, paid a visit to the UAE recently and started the activities of KAS in the Region.

Among other fields, KAS is one of the leading institutions in training young journalists in Germany. Since a few years the organisation is involved in establishing relations between media representatives from Germany and the Arab World.

"The two sides discussed the possibility of establishing more contacts between Germany and the UAE in this field,'' Thomas Birringer of KAS stated.

"Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is the first German political foundation present in the Gulf-States. The KAS Regional Programmme Gulf-States does not only cover the work in the UAE but also of the other member countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) as well as Yemen.

"The Gulf states, as one of the up and coming regions in the world, will become more and more important over the next years - not only with regard to their role in energy supply but also because of their economic and political importance,'' Birringer said.

KAS organises conferences, workshops and seminaries in cooperation with its partners, who consist of governments and parliaments as well as universities, think tanks and organisations of the civil society.

"KAS's most important fields of work are dialogue of cultures, media, education, social market economy and global development, conflict prevention, security and institution building.

A special focus is laid on regional integration, such as the European Union and the Gulf Cooperation Council. Especially here both Europe and the GCC-countries can benefit from each others experience where Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung can serve as a facilitator,'' he concluded.

Quelle: Artikel im Internetportal vom 15.08.2009