Indien: Zusammenarbeit mit deutschen Experten für Wasserwirtschaft

Deutsche Delegierte, die kürzlich ein deutsch-indisches Kolloquium zur Wasserbewirtschaftung besucht haben, haben ihre Unterstützung bei der Ausbildung indischer Fachkräfte im Bereich der Wasserwirtschaft zum Ausdruck gebracht. Eine Absichtserklärung (MoU) wurde zwischen derAll India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society (AISSMS) und den deutschen Delegierten zur Erreichung des Ziels unterzeichnet.


German experts to help us explore best method of water management


German delegates attending a recently concluded Indo-German colloquium on water management in the city have expressed their support in grooming Indian trainees in methods of water management. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society (AISSMS) and German delegates to achieve the objective. The colloquium was organised by AISSMS on July 26, 2013 at the Shivajinagar campus.

Representatives of Germany-based Association for European Social Work, Education and Training (VESBE e.V.), Annika Meinecke and Jürgen Lau, stressed on the need for a proper water management system, which is suitable for India. "The inadequacy of the existing water management system in India needs to be addressed as a priority. Experience sharing between Indian and German experts will help in exploring the best method of water management for the country," said Lau.

Ajit Nimbalkar, director of NTPC, New Delhi and former chairman of Maharashtra Water Resources Regulatory Authority, said, "Distribution of water at the time of independence was 80% for agriculture, 15% for domestic and 5% for industries, now the picture has changed, with the demands increasing from all."

Quelle:, 29.07.2013