Indien: Unternehmen erhalten Steuervorteile für Qualifizierungs-Aufwendungen

Das indische Finanzministerium fördert die Schulung von Belegschaften in produzierenden Unternehmen und in bestimmten Dienstleistungsunternehmen durch steuerliche Vorteile. Auch private Bildungsanbieter erhalten unter bestimmten Bedingungen Steuervorteile.

Wenn private Bildungsanbieter beim National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) oder beim State Council for Vocational Training (SCVT) registriert sind, können Unternehmen 150 Prozent der Trainingskosten steuerlich geltend machen. Allerdings soll das Training in bestimmten, voraussichtlich in staatlichen, Einrichtungen stattfinden.


Firms to get tax benefits on skill development expenses


Companies engaged in business of manufacturing or providing specified services will be eligible for tax incentives on the expenditure incurred on skill development, the Finance Ministry said today.

As per the Income-tax act (Section 35CCD), for computing business income, a company would be allowed a weighted deduction of 150 per cent of expenses (other than land or building) incurred on skill development project.

"A company engaged in the business of manufacturing any article or thing (other than alcoholic spirits and tobacco products) or engaged in providing specified services...shall be eligible for weighted deduction of the expenditure incurred on skill development," said the guidelines for approval of skill development project.

All expenses (excluding spending on land or building), incurred wholly and exclusively for undertaking notified skill development project are eligible for the deduction under Section 35CCD, it said.

Government and private training institutes affiliated to National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) or State Council for Vocational Training (SCVT) are also eligible for the tax benefit.

Earlier, the National Manufacturing Policy (NMP) 2011 had proposed the weighted deduction incurred in public private partnership projects for skill development in coordination with National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC).

The guidelines further said that to avail the benefit, the project should be undertaken in separate facilities in a training institute set up by the central or state government or a local authority or certain other entities.

The norms said "it is intended" that the skill development project would provide training to potential employees or newly recruited employees.

The government has set an ambitious target of skilling 50 million people in the 12th Plan period, including 9 million in 2013-14.

Quelle: The Economic Times,, 18.07.2013