Lettland: Anzahl Studierender in Berufsbildungseinrichtungen steigt

In Lettland stieg die Zahl der Studierenden an berufsbildenden Einrichtungen im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 1,6 Prozent. Als ein Ergebnis von Optimierung und Reorganisation des lettischen Berufsbildungssektors ist die Zahl der Berufsbildungseinrichtungen hingegen etwas gesunken.


Number of Latvian students enrolled in vocational education institutions increases by 1.6 % in 2014-2015


Provisional data of the Central Statistical Bureau (CSB) show that in the academic year 2014/2015, 11.7 thousand students were enrolled in 62 vocational education institutions and 14 colleges implementing vocational education programmes.

Compared to the previous academic year the number of enrolled students has increased by 1.6 percent. 46.5 percent of the students enrolled are women.

As a result of optimisation and reorganisation of the vocational education sector, the number of education institutions starting the new academic year compared to the school year 2013/2014 has decreased by four establishments.

The demographic situation in the country has also affected the number of students in vocational education institutions. In the academic year 2014/2015 there are 29.8 thousand students studying in vocational education institutions in Latvia, which is 1.2 thousand or 6.8 percent less than in the previous academic year. Of the total number of these students 12.9 thousand or 43.2 percent are women.

The CSB data on further education of basic school graduates show that the share of graduates continuing their education in vocational education institutions has almost not changed. In 2013, 33.4 percent of graduates chose to obtain vocational education, and 61.5 percent continued their education in general secondary education institutions. A slight increase was observed in the number of secondary school graduates who continue their education in vocational education institutions (from 6.4 percent in 2012 to 7.6 percent in 2013).

In 2014, 8.8 thousand students acquired secondary vocational education which is an increase of 7.7 percent compared to 2013.


Quelle: The Baltic Course, baltic-course.com, 20.11.2014