Litauen - Aktionspläne für die Berufsbildung und nicht-formalen Erwachsenenbildung

Der litauische Minister für Bildung und Wissenschaft genehmigte zwei wichtige Aktionspläne, die die Richtung für eine langfristige Entwicklung und Finanzierung der beruflichen Aus- und Weiterbildung (VET) und der nicht-formalen Erwachsenenbildung vorgeben.


Lithuania - action plans for developing vocational education and training and non-formal adult education


In autumn 2014, the Lithuanian Minister for Education and Science approved two important action plans establishing directions for long-term development and financing of vocational education and training (VET) and non-formal adult education.


1. Action plan for VET development 2014–16


This action plan provides general directions for VET development and identifies related projects. The following measures are foreseen:


  • optimisation of VET institutions network and effective use of infrastructure;
  • optimisation of VET programmes provision carried out by VET institutions and their quality;
  • improvement of assessment and recognition of competences;
  • improvement of training of teachers;
  • increasing attractiveness of VET;
  • improvement of management and training quality of VET;
  • provision of vocational guidance services.


The plan contains a preliminary list of projects to be funded, the operational programme for European Union structural Fund investments from 2014 to 2020.

The following projects are worth noting:


  • formation of Lithuanian qualifications framework and modern curricula;
  • capacity improvement of managers of educational institutions;
  • development of sector-specific practical training centres;
  • infrastructure development of VET institutions with no sector-specific practical training centres;
  • raising awareness of lifelong learning and increasing attractiveness of VET;
  • support acquisition of international experience by teachers;
  • improvement of teachers’ competences, including key and technological competences;
  • development of a system for assessment of competences and recognition of education or qualifications acquired abroad;
  • development of information systems and registers;
  • external assessment of VET institutions and programmes;
  • provision of quality career education services;
  • offer mobility opportunities for VET students;
  • support students (18+) from socially vulnerable groups in VET.


2. Action plan for development of non-formal adult education 2014–16


This action plan aims at:


  • enabling adults to acquire key competences and shaping positive attitudes towards lifelong learning;
  • creating favourable conditions for lifelong learning in VET and higher education institutions, and ensuring their quality;
  • developing a system of financial and organisational incentives leading to better conditions for adult participation in lifelong learning activities.


To promote lifelong learning, it is foreseen to increase supply of modular non-formal VET programmes for adults and provide specific vocational guidance services for adults. It is also planned to implement projects for recognition of competences and/or qualifications.

The plan contains a preliminary list of projects to be funded from the operational programme for the European Union structural Fund investments from 2014 to 2020.

It is foreseen to:


  • support adult education in all education sectors and development of key competences;
  • support learning opportunities for older people;
  • improve quality of non-formal adult education.

Quelle: ReferNet Lithuania / Cedefop (Europäisches Zentrum für die Förderung der Berufsbildung), Nachricht 20.01.2015