Indische Presse zur Skill India Kampagne

Premierminister Narendra Modi gab Mitte Juli den Startschuss für seine Berufsbildungskampagne "Skill India". Die indische Presse äußert sich umfassend über die Skill India Mission. Lesen Sie zwei Beispiele.

Survey: Even among skilled workers joblessness is high


The NDA government has retooled the UPA's skill upgrade plans for India and announced a more detailed, though slightly less ambitious, programme. The new target is to get 400 million Indians skilled by 2022. This would plug the "skills gap", the government feels, and lead to more people getting better jobs. But, will a better skill set ensure jobs for millions?

The experience till now has not been very encouraging. Among those who got formal training in an institution like Industrial Training Institute (ITI) or other Skill Centers, the unemployment rate was high - at 14.5% - compared to 2.6% overall, according to a survey by the Labour Bureau in 2014 and released this year.

In a revealing breakdown of skills and the corresponding rate of unemployment, the survey found that except for a handful of trades like leather work, plumbing, motor driving and tour/travel operations, all other categories of skilled persons exhibited double-digit unemployment figures. Some of these are shocking: over a quarter of those who had done engineering diplomas other than in civil and computer related fields were unemployed. Nearly 17% of those with textile-related training and over 14% with machine operator skills were without jobs.

Unless new jobs, especially in the manufacturing sector, are created, imparting skills to millions will not solve the problem, says Jayan Jose Thomas of IIT Delhi who has researched the Indian employment scenario extensively. "Existing industry does face a skills gap. That's what entrepreneurs and industrialists keep telling me. So, imparting skills will help somewhat. But the primary thing is to have a policy for industrial growth that will create millions of new, decent job opportunities," he told TOI.

About 12 million people join the workforce every year in India. But an analysis of job growth over the past nearly two decades by Thomas, using NSSO and Census data, shows that on an average, only 5.5 million new jobs have been added every year in this period.

Labour Bureau data shows that unemployment rates are higher among those with higher educational qualifications. While the overall unemployment rate was reported at 2.6% among the over-15 age population, for postgraduates, it was 8.9%, for graduates 8.7% and for diploma or certificate holders, 7.4%. Experts believe that this could be because qualified persons seek better wages and hence may remain unemployed for a longer period while seeking the best options.

Industrial employers often prefer to employ workers with no formal training but adequate experience over say ITI products, again because of wage issues. According to University of California, Santa Barbara's Aashish Mehta, who has studied the skill gap issue, the decision is more a commercial one than a skill level issue.

The average daily wage of an urban diploma holding worker was about Rs 524 for men and Rs 391 for women according to an NSSO report. Men who have studied up to senior secondary make 45% more and women 28% more. But compared to graduates, the diploma holder will get 56% less if male and around 54% less if female. This gives an indication of how employers will make choices, and may also hint at families making educational trajectory choices.

Skill India: A catalyst to bridge demand for skilled workforce


India has the largest population of youth compared to any other country in the world - 65 per cent of our population is below 35 years of age and we have a decision to make today. Either majority of the youth lead an aimless life as is the case today or catapult the country into an economic superpower in the years to come. The current government's Skill India mission is a catalyst that can give the youth a chance to live with self assurance and dignity.

This is possible if the government builds on the positives and re-looks at the weaker side of mission which was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the World Youth Day on July, 15.

Let's put the positives in perspective first. The government has set a credible target of imparting skill training to 400 million by 2022 through an institutional framework. It can utilize the training capabilities of over 12000 industrial training institutes, 3200 polytechnics and various schools and colleges promoted by PSUs and private sector across the country.

This would meet the demand for skilled manpower in key identified sectors by 2022 and still leave enough skilled Indians to work in other parts of the world. Also, having a common structure in the form of National Skills Qualification Framework means that all such training will be standardized and will be in sync with international standards.

Second positive is the realization that skilling alone would not help. Placement is equally important, both for fresh trainees as well as existing workers who have undergone training under the mission. This is a refreshing change as skill-development schemes so far focused on inputs rather than output of the process, as a result of which trainees were unable to find jobs in most cases. While the skilling targets in the first few years are in single millions, subsequent year targets can only be met if the youth sees result from skilling, which is a better job.

Third, there seems to be the recognition that jobs for all today do not exist. Hence the stress on promotion of entrepreneurship to absorb the skilled workforce so developed. It is worth mentioning here that during 2005-2012, only 2.5 million additional jobs were created in comparison to 26 million people reaching the working age every year. That is hardly 10 per cent, which means we need some of the skilled people to turn into entrepreneurs to create jobs for others. The government would set up the National Commission on Entrepreneurship for creating entrepreneurs who will in turn create jobs. The government will also ease the processes of starting a new business in addition to plugging the gaps in information for a sound business environment.

All this is good news for the industry as only 4.69 per cent of India's workforce today has received formal skill training, way too low in comparison with 52 per cent in the USA, 68 per cent in the UK, 75 per cent in Germany, 80 per cent in Japan and 96 per cent in South Korea. The lack of skill training has led to creation of an unskilled workforce in many companies, becoming an obstacle in the economic growth of these companies in particular and the country in general.

The key to success of Skill India Mission will lie in solving three crucial points. First is management of aspirations of millions of youth. In our country mostly everyone wants to do a desk job while the available opportunities are more outdoors. Second is managing the parents' aspiration of getting formal education for their children. This has to be replaced by parents looking to get their children skilled rather than doing a 3-4 year course with minimal learning.

The final challenge is in gaining acceptance from corporate. While a lot of corporate will say yes to the mission, it will be important to see how many fulfill their promise and hire people with skill certification. If that happens, the mission would have hit a home run. Nonetheless, it is a fresh start in enhancing the skills of young India.

Quelle oben: The Times of India,, 20.07.2015

Quelle unten: The Economic Times,, 20.07.2015