Grünes Licht für indische Auszubildende in der Altenpflege

Die internationale Abteilung der Beruflichen Fortbildungszentren der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bfz) in Hof und die bfz-Altenpflegeschule in Forchheim bilden junge Inder in einer dreijährigen Maßnahme zu Altenpflegerinnen und Altenpflegern in Bayern aus.

Green light for Indian trainees in geriatric care training program

The international division of bfz in Hof and the bfz geriatric nursing school in Forchheim offer opportunities for young Indians in Bavaria.

In 2019, the first Indians will start a 3 year vocational training as care giving specialists at the bfz Altenpflegeschule (professional nursing school) Forchheim. In close cooperation with bfz Altenpflegeschule in Forchheim and the Indian company Innobate Technologies, bfz will place the first group of young Indians in nursing vocational training program in Bavaria.

Currently, there is a shortage of skilled workers in geriatric care for the elderly in Germany. The high demand for qualified geriatric care givers will continue to grow in the coming years. This is why bfz is working with Indian partners to place Indian applicants in vocational training courses in nursing care for the elderly at its locations in Bavaria. In India, the applicants learn the German language and gain their first insights into working in geriatric care. At the same time they are supported in their application process and brought into contact with potential employers for training contracts. While the practical training takes place in the respective retirement homes, bfz geriatric care school in Forchheim will take responsibility for the theoretical training for the first batch in 2019.

Vocational training in Germany is demanding and offers applicants from India very interesting career prospects in a growing sector abroad. For the operators of nursing homes in Bavaria, the cooperation is an opportunity to reduce the shortage of skilled workers.

bfz is currently working in India with Innobate Technologies which is responsible for marketing and preparing applicants in India in cooperation with a qualified language teacher.

Quelle: bbw group,, 13.05.2019