Jordanien: Projekt "Berufsbildung für Beschäftigung" startet

Das "AZEM Vocational Training for Employment Project" des Business Development Centres und UNICEF zielt darauf ab, in Kooperation mit dem Privatsektor Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten für Jugendliche zu schaffen.

UNICEF, BDC launch Vocational Training for Employment project

The Business Development Centre (BDC) and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) have launched a new phase of the AZEM Vocational Training for Employment project. 

The project aims to create job opportunities for youth in partnership with the private sector and focuses on the districts most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in the regions east of Amman and the Irbid Governorate, according to a BDC statement. 

The programme includes practical methods for engaging the private sector by identifying the operational needs and the skills youth require to engage in the labour market.

A BDC representative said that the programme seeks to enhance the efficiency of youth and integrate them into the labour market by changing the thinking pattern in choosing traditional jobs and going to work in the professional and technical sectors, according to the statement. 

Tanya Chapuisat, UNICEF Representative in Jordan, said: "UNICEF, in partnership with the Business Development Centre, is focusing on finding solutions to address the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth. The AZEM programme aims to enhance access to job opportunities and self-employment opportunities for those youth coming from the most vulnerable communities, in addition to supporting the empowerment of adolescents and youth for a smooth transition to production stage, with a special focus on girls."

Quelle: The Jordan Times,, 21.10.2021