News about VET from Germany

We provide the latest news about vocational training from Germany and international collaboration with German partners.

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Dual vocational training - A worthwhile investment for many enterprises

"For enterprises, meeting one's skilled labour needs remains the primary motive for providing in-house vocational training. However, firms are organising the training they provide more efficiently than in the past. This makes providing in-house vocational training - more than ever - a worthwhile investment for many enterprises, even when it initially incurs costs," stated Professor Dr. Reinhold Weiß, deputy president and head of research at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB).

Special Focus: Skills training "made in Germany" meets growing international demand

The iMOVE Trend Barometer confirms the expanding internationalisation of German training providers. It is conducted annually among 100 top managers of German vocational education and training organisations and is the primary source of data regarding international activities in the German education and training sector.

"You have offered proof of the strength of vocational education"

4 gold medals, 2 silver, 2 bronze, and 12 Medallions for Excellence – this is the outstanding result of the German team at the 40th WorldSkills Competition.

'Multimedia Nobel Prize' for video language training from LinguaTV

The only German winner at the World Summit Award 2009

LinguaTV received the World Summit Award (WSA) in the 'e-learning and education' category for its multimedia language learning platform. The company is the only German participant to be awarded a prize in Monterrey (Mexico).