SupraTix GmbH

Logo: SupraTix GmbH


Bautzner Str. 45-47
01099 Dresden

View phone number+49(0)35133948400
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Tobias Goecke (Göcke)

View phone number+49(0)351 33948400
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Key competencies

Expertise in innovative e-learning solutions, customizable training and digital transformation.

    Corporate Profile

    Supratix is a leading provider of advanced e-learning solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of modern organizations. With a strong focus on innovation and customization, we offer a comprehensive range of digital training tools and platforms that empower businesses to achieve their learning and development goals. Our solutions are tailored to fit the unique requirements of each client, ensuring maximum engagement and effectiveness.

    At Supratix, we understand the importance of staying ahead in a rapidly changing digital landscape. Our team of experts works closely with clients to develop and implement strategies that drive digital transformation, enhance workforce skills, and improve overall performance. We are committed to delivering high-quality, scalable solutions that are both cost-effective and easy to integrate into existing systems.

    Our platform offers a variety of features, including interactive learning modules, real-time analytics, and customizable content, all designed to create a seamless and engaging user experience. Whether you are looking to upskill your employees, streamline your training processes, or simply stay ahead of the competition, Supratix has the tools and expertise to help you succeed.

    With a global presence and a diverse client base, we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver top-notch services that meet the highest standards of quality and efficiency. Our dedication to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction has earned us a reputation as a trusted partner in the e-learning industry.

    Web content available in:

    • English
    • German
    • Other languages

    Industry sectors

    • Engineering/Manufacturing
    • IT/Technology/Media
    • Teaching and Education

    Products & services

    • Further Training
    • Train the Trainer
    • Training Equipment
    • Vocational Training
    • Consultancy Services
    • Certification

    Internationally known quality management system

    Supratix utilizes the ISO 9001:2015 certified quality management system, which ensures that our processes consistently meet customer and regulatory requirements. This internationally recognized standard provides the framework for continuous improvement, risk management, and the delivery of high-quality services across all aspects of our operations. We are committed to maintaining these standards to ensure the satisfaction and success of our clients worldwide."

    These responses are crafted to fit the requirements of the form fields, showcasing the organization's strengths and adherence to international standards in quality management.

    Services are already offered in

    • Liechtenstein
    • Latvia
    • Kosovo
    • Kazakhstan
    • Jersey
    • Italy
    • Isle Of Man
    • Ireland
    • Iceland
    • Hungary
    • Guernsey
    • Greece
    • Gibraltar
    • Germany
    • Georgia
    • France
    • Finland
    • Faroe Islands
    • Estonia
    • Denmark
    • Czech Republic
    • Cyprus
    • Croatia
    • Bulgaria
    • Bosnia And Herzegovina
    • San Marino
    • Russian Federation
    • Romania
    • Portugal
    • Poland
    • Norway
    • North Macedonia
    • Netherlands
    • Montenegro
    • Monaco
    • Moldova
    • Malta
    • Luxembourg
    • Lithuania
    • Belgium
    • Belarus
    • Azerbaijan
    • Austria
    • Armenia
    • Andorra
    • Albania
    • Åland Islands
    • Wallis And Futuna
    • Vanuatu
    • United States Minor Outlying Islands
    • Tuvalu
    • Tonga
    • Tokelau
    • Solomon Islands
    • Samoa
    • Pitcairn
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Palau
    • Northern Mariana Islands
    • Norfolk Island
    • Niue
    • New Zealand
    • New Caledonia
    • Nauru
    • Micronesia, Federated States Of
    • Marshall Islands
    • Kiribati
    • Guam
    • French Polynesia
    • Fiji
    • Cook Islands
    • Australia
    • American Samoa
    • Yemen
    • Cameroon
    • Burundi
    • Burkina Faso
    • British Indian Ocean Territory
    • Botswana
    • Benin
    • Angola
    • Algeria
    • Viet Nam
    • Uzbekistan
    • United Arab Emirates
    • Turkmenistan
    • Timor-Leste
    • Thailand
    • Tajikistan
    • Taiwan
    • Syrian Arab Republic
    • Sri Lanka
    • Singapore
    • Saudi Arabia
    • Qatar
    • Philippines
    • Palestinian Territory
    • Pakistan
    • Oman
    • Nepal
    • Myanmar
    • Mongolia
    • Maldives
    • Malaysia
    • Macao
    • Lebanon
    • Lao People's Democratic Republic
    • Kyrgyzstan
    • Kuwait
    • Korea, Republic Of
    • Korea, Democratic People's Republic Of
    • Jordan
    • Japan
    • Israel
    • Iraq
    • Iran, Islamic Republic Of
    • Indonesia
    • India
    • Hong Kong
    • Cocos (keeling) Islands
    • Christmas Island
    • China
    • Cambodia
    • Brunei Darussalam
    • Bhutan
    • Bangladesh
    • Bahrain
    • Afghanistan
    • Zimbabwe
    • Zambia
    • Western Sahara
    • Uganda
    • Tunisia
    • Togo
    • Tanzania, United Republic Of
    • Swaziland
    • Sudan
    • South Sudan
    • South Africa
    • Somalia
    • Sierra Leone
    • Seychelles
    • Senegal
    • Sao Tome And Principe
    • Saint Helena
    • Rwanda
    • Réunion
    • Nigeria
    • Niger
    • Namibia
    • Mozambique
    • Morocco
    • Mayotte
    • Mauritius
    • Mauritania
    • Mali
    • Malawi
    • Madagascar
    • Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
    • Liberia
    • Lesotho
    • Kenya
    • Guinea-bissau
    • Guinea
    • Ghana
    • Gambia
    • Gabon
    • French Southern Territories
    • Ethiopia
    • Eritrea
    • Equatorial Guinea
    • Egypt
    • Djibouti
    • Côte d'Ivoire
    • Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The
    • Congo
    • Comoros
    • Chad
    • Central African Republic
    • Cape Verde
    • Serbia
    • Slovakia
    • Slovenia
    • Spain
    • Svalbard And Jan Mayen
    • Sweden
    • Switzerland
    • Turkey
    • Ukraine
    • United Kingdom
    • Vatican City State
    • Anguilla
    • Antigua And Barbuda
    • Aruba
    • Bahamas
    • Barbados
    • Belize
    • Bermuda
    • Canada
    • Cayman Islands
    • Costa Rica
    • Cuba
    • Dominica
    • Dominican Republic
    • El Salvador
    • Greenland
    • Grenada
    • Guadeloupe
    • Guatemala
    • Haiti
    • Honduras
    • Jamaica
    • Martinique
    • Mexico
    • Montserrat
    • Nicaragua
    • Panama
    • Puerto Rico
    • Saint BarthÉlemy
    • Saint Kitts And Nevis
    • Saint Lucia
    • Saint Martin
    • Saint Pierre And Miquelon
    • Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
    • Trinidad And Tobago
    • Turks And Caicos Islands
    • United States of America
    • Virgin Islands, British
    • Virgin Islands, U.S.
    • Argentina
    • Bolivia
    • Brazil
    • Chile
    • Colombia
    • Ecuador
    • Falkland Islands (malvinas)
    • French Guiana
    • Guyana
    • Netherlands Antilles
    • Paraguay
    • Peru
    • Suriname
    • Uruguay
    • Venezuela

    Services can additionally be offered in

    • South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands
    • Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands
    • Bouvet Island
    • Antarctica

    Services can be offered in the following languages

    • Chinese
    • Bulgarian
    • Arabic
    • Czech
    • Danish
    • Dutch
    • English
    • Finnish
    • French
    • German
    • Hindi
    • Italian
    • Polish
    • Russian
    • Spanish
    • Swedish
    • Tamil
    • Ukrainian

    Internationally known certifications/memberships

    Supratix is proudly ISO 9001:2015 certified, reflecting our commitment to consistent quality management across all operations. We are also a member of the International Association for Online Learning (IAOL), which underscores our dedication to advancing global e-learning standards. Additionally, we hold accreditation from the European eLearning Industry Group (EeLIG) and are recognized as a trusted partner by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the European Quality Assurance Network (EQANET). These certifications and memberships affirm our position as a leader in the global education and training industry, committed to delivering excellence through internationally recognized best practices.

    Cooperation partners abroad

    Supratix collaborates with a diverse network of esteemed international partners to expand our global impact. We have strategic partnerships with leading academic institutions such as the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) in Berlin and the National University of Singapore (NUS), enhancing our research and development capabilities. Additionally, we work closely with global organizations like the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to promote digital education initiatives in developing regions. Our collaboration with industry leaders, including Microsoft and SAP, enables us to integrate cutting-edge technology into our e-learning solutions, ensuring our clients benefit from the latest advancements in digital training. We also have active projects with the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva, focusing on workforce development and skills training across multiple sectors.

    Branch offices abroad

    Branch offices located in Berlin, Germany; New York, USA; Singapore; and Sydney, Australia, to support our global operations and client base.

    Target groups

    Corporate training departments, educational institutions, government agencies, and NGOs seeking scalable e-learning solutions and digital transformation services. Focus on industries such as healthcare, finance, and technology.