VAE: Privater Sektor muss mehr Emiratis beschäftigen

Die erfolgreiche wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE) hat bisher nicht zu einem breiteren Einsatz von jungen Emiratis in der Privatwirtschaft geführt. Gemäß einer Studie der UAE Universität ist einer der Gründe, dass sie sich über die Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten in privaten Unternehmen nicht bewusst sind.

Private sector must hire more Emiratis

They need to gain the experience and skills to manage UAE's fast-growing economy

The successful economic development of the UAE has not resulted in the widespread employment of Emirati youth in the private sector.

According to research by the UAE University, this is in part because they are not aware of the work opportunities that exist for them among private firms. Companies and academic institutions need to do more to promote private sector employment among young Emiratis if Emiratisation targets for the private sector are to be met.

Also, many young Emiratis prefer employment in the public service, to some extent because of the perception that these jobs have better conditions of employment, pay more and are more secure. Conditions of employment between government and the private sector should be more in line with each other to ensure that there is fair competition between the state and companies for the talents of the citizens of the UAE.

The reality is that the public service will not always be able to provide jobs for young Emiratis seeking employment. To guarantee their future and strengthen the development of the country, they need to take up a leading role in the private sector so they can obtain the skills and experience needed to successfully manage a global hub of trade and commerce.

Quelle:, 03.01.2011